Last season was an absolute nightmare for Bills fans expecting a playoff run in January. 0-3, quarteback woes and INJURIES. Then our QB of the future finally showed that he can't quite get there and we were starting a 3rd round rookie behind center. With starting a rookie QB 1/3rd of the way through the season and all those devastating injuries, you wondered how Jauron could even field a team.
Field a team he did. though and they played hard and gave us all some hope for the future. Those guys came out and played right there with the big boys. We found some amazing diamonds in the rough like Fred Jackson and John DiGiorgio and the coaching staff kept the team motivated through crises like Kevin Everett.
Watching the Bolts game yesterday (when it was on) I had the thought that all the hell and adversity this team went through last season taught them something and gave them a strength to go with the flow and play to win regardless of the situation they are presented with. You can sideline a starter, number two runs and and the Bills don't miss a beat. If one guy is faltering someone else steps up and makes a play. Offense is faltering, defense makes a big play and vice versa. We are looking at a team that works as a whole, not as a bunch of separate units off on their own programs.
I think that 2007 may have been the best thing (Kevin Everett accepted of course) that could happen to a young team. Adversity, injuries, controversy etc. These guys saw it all and Jauron and the staff piloted them through and instead of folding, they rose to the occasion and played beynd their abilities. This year they are playing the same way as last with the difference being that they have all their weapons now and can take it to the other guy. The Bills play as a team and that is their secret. You can see it in how they work together as a team and how they react as a team when things aren't going well.
You watch these other teams that are losing when they shouldn't be (see Dallas) and you'll see that they don't have that team attitude the Bills are flying with. Pyure joy watching this young team play this year. Yes, they do have a long ways to go and that is the best thing, IMHO, about the 2008 Bills. We haven't seen their best yet. We are 5-1 and these guys have a ways to go befre they peak. How freakin' awesome is that. Folks, we are in for a ride with this group of players and staff so strp in and enjoy.