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Everything posted by Merc

  1. We have become a banana republic writ large with the democrats changing rules and laws at their whim. Let's see if the MSM protests this.
  2. I actually felt like puking afetr watching these a-holes today. They could not have played worse if you paid them. That big front four was absolutely INVISIBLE!!! WTF Wanny? - Super Mario has a super bank balance and is now mailing it in apparently. The rest gave up I guess. - Secondary coudn't cover a college team. - Linebackers? Did they play? Offense did one helluva job. - Fitz is done but there is nothing behind him so no offense this year. - Spiller should not sin a contract and shoul move. The coaches made this debacle happen. There is nothing to buid on, they are really bad. Worse than last year. They have to rebuild again, starting with the coach and that just isn't feasible. No team looked worse today than Gailey's mob of bums. Disgusted and nauseated by what these bums did today. F the Bills. I have to listen to and face all the derision tomorrow. What a f'ing mess this pile of garbage Gailey built is. Super Mario was a joke. What a waste.
  3. This is a badly coached team. That is obvious. The defense was ridiculously bad and that famed front four? LMAO. They didn't get one sack today. I have never been this disappointed in this team Honestly, I think I am done with the Bills. Move to LA ya bums. God what a mess. Worst team in the league.
  4. The whole team looked terrible but the defense was a real slp in the face. Super Mario was a joke. I guess he made his bank and is mailing it in because he was invisible today. What a joke Wanstedt's defense was. How horrible they palyed. Nauseating.
  5. This is a candidate for best thread of the year. LMFAO. DJ's best 7-9 year is always his next year. Why? Let's look at the stats: Fact 1: Teams with a 5-1 start have an 85% chance of getting into the playoffs. OK, so not only did DJ not make the playoffs, he managed a 7-9. I am not sure that there are odds for that kind of fall as I don't think it has ever been done before (I am probably wrong and hopefully a stat rat will learn me the facts) so let's say that DJ has hit a one in a million by going 7-9 with a 5-1 start. Fact 2: After a historic fall from grace, DJ and his entore staff still has a job. Huh? Rebuilding is damn near done so there is no excuse for taking this kind of header, especially considering that the perennial division leader is mortally wounded, yet DJ and crew walk away unscathed. How and why? So given the above let's put on the tin foil caps and go conspiracy hunting. We have an owner that is being kept alive by God knows what means and he has sworn that he will not even talk about selling HIS team to anyone. No, this is not Ralph saving the team for his kids, they have already promised to sell, this is Ralph being belligerent, like he wants to punish the city. Couple that with Ralph giving DJ a pass on what is, arguably, one of the greatest failures in modern NFL football and, well, put another layer of tin foil on and admit that the owner wants the Bills out of Buffalo to spite the city. Here is where it goes X-File. Did DJ make an effort to ensure that the Bills would not break .500? You'd almost have to try to fail this badly, yet he is getting a raise for doing just that. WTF people? Does 7-9 keep the sale of the team very profitable without putting it into the stratosphere? Great young team with a huge upside so Buy! Buy! Buy! DId DJ have orders not to hit .500?
  6. Watching them fall apart this season was surreal. Yes we were 5-1 but if you were honest with yourself then you knew that we got there oddly. It wasn't real since the opponents were bums and the season was unfolding like no one could've predicted but it was GREAT FUN watching the Bills mix it up again, like the old days. The complete change in personality was stunning! I couldn't comprehend what had happened to the team that I had watched the previous 6 games but they were gone and a completely different bunch of guys seemed to have suited up and run out onto the field. I knew, within two games, that it was over and I signed off on the season. I have never, in nearly 50 years stopped watching but I knew intrinsically that this season was different and we wouldn't be coming back and we wouldn't be winning very many more games. My friends and family were stunned as I am a fanatic but I just couldn't stomach watching the debacle that unfolded the rest of 2008. After gutting through 3 years of DJ, the great start was our reward. The collapse was asking too much. I have completely lost faith. This is not the old Bills. Not by any measure. This is a team getting ready to move to a new city.
  7. Well said. If some group does manage to buy the Bills and keep them in Buffalo then we will see a turnaround and my interest will be back.
  8. Burned out is the best way to categorize how I feel. A complete waste of time with no upside year after year gets to you after awhile. Been a rabid fan for 30 of my nearly 50 years and this season I quit watching for the first time. Maybe it is because I have a three year old son and watching the debacle that is a Bills game on Sunday, when I could spend time with him, is stupid. Ralph is doing a placeholder strategy until he dies. Everyone outside of Buffalo knows the team is leaving and that the new owners will fire the entire coaching staff. All the coaches worth a sh## know this as well, so Ralph would have to spend massive money to get a guy that is "good" to waste a couple years in Buffalo. Ralph is thinking "Why spend big bucks now when the team will be moving soon?" (Ralph is nearing the century mark for Christs sake) and I am sure his kids have been pushing that philosophy.
  9. Read week 4! remember when.... Never trusted this run of wins.
  10. Well said! The anger and resentment I feel for the rest of the day after watching this terrible team play was not healthy. You do it because you have hope for the future and they are rebuilding but WTF?!?!?! They have been rebuilding for a decade now and they are worse than I have ever seen them. Time to grow up and move on. If Jim Kelly and a consortium of folks buy the team and inject it with a new attitude and personality, I will be back but under present management and ownership I have zero hope that anything will change next season. Another third rate coach will be hired and the whole, painful, rebuilding process will begin anew. In another couple of years we will supposed to have expectations of winning again (will this be the fourth or fifth rebuilding series?) as we have heard before.
  11. The above is my thread starting post from a month ago. HS, how prescient am I? Best decision I have made is signing off as an active fan for this year. There is nothing to watch and certainly nothong to care about. Will I, and a whole lot of other old and faithful fans, be back next season? Of course but with a very jaded eye. Figure a whole new front office and we start the "rebuilding process" all over again. F that.
  12. Pretty hard to stay interested any longer. Stopped watching 3 games ago, as it is too disappointing and there are better things to do on a Sunday afternoon. I have the NFL.com game center running on the laptop but even that tells you to much about how bad this team is.
  13. Do they come out of the tunnel with a new attitude or continue to F up? Get them together Dick, wake them up. Settle your near rookie QB down and slap turk in the face and tell him to get it done.
  14. ENOUGH!!!!!!! Sit Edwards! Obviously there is something wrong with him.
  15. Finally a decent freakin blitz
  16. Can't run and can't pass Lookin good tonight. One more int this quarter and he sits.
  17. Smokies has the Jumbo 24oz beers for $3 on game day.
  18. I watched a 1-15 team from last year kick our butts. I watched the hapless Jets manhandle us as if we were helpless and I watched the hated Patriots hammer the piss out of us again. Maybe next year. I never said I was leaving. Never. I can't leave the Bills and go to another team any more than I can change citizenship. That doesn't mean that they have my undivided attention for the rest of this season. This is like an abusive relationship. They kick your face in and you come crawling back. You know what, it is not going to change. At least not this season. Maybe next but my attention is drifting. I am starting to like College Ball. Penn State, Texas Tech. HS that is fun to watch. ten years of this and we still billieve. Dopie. I feel like an idiot, again.
  19. Pretty damn good.
  20. 49 years old and watching all my life. One thing I have learned in the last decade is don't expect a miracle comeback. Once these guys start down the hill they generally gain momentum, not brake, and it is pretty much over for that season. Start hoping for .500 as anything less will absolutely kill this franchise.
  21. I'll take that chance.
  22. Please explain why I am a loser for getting fed up with this team after ten years of well below average football? Please feel free to illuminate us with your brilliance. In three weeks they went from best in the division to worst with a bullet. I'm a loser for not wanting to watch this? A decade of watching this garbage and I am a loser for questioning what I am doing?
  23. Venting is the purpose? Don't answer if you don't give a sh--.
  24. Can't leave after watching the Bills my whole life but I just don't care anymore this season. Not at all. They suck, they have sucked for 10 years and there is nothing hopeful that hey will be coming out of this in 2008. I canno be the only fan that feels like this. Miami went 1-15 last year but this year they came back and cleaned our clock. Now they have a much better shot of making the playoffs than us. Why? What is the F'ing problem? Why should I spend time and money watching this team? Who is the dope here, Ralph for fielding a perennial loser or the fans who continue to slavishly indulge in his product?
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