He's not in Washington.
Shanahan-in-D.C. report retracted by FOX 5
Posted by Mike Florio on December 18, 2009 2:11 PM ET
Earlier today, Dave Feldman of FOX 5 reported that Mike Shanahan arrived at Redskins Park this morning.
Then, the link to the FOX 5 story went dead.
Then, various Redskins reporters began pointing out, Twitter style, that the report from Dave Feldman is roughly as reliable as the brain that Marty Feldman once harvested from Abigail Normal.
We're now told that the Redskins have advised FOX 5 that Shanahan isn't at the team facility, and that FOX 5 disabled the link to the story in response to that information.
It remains to be seen whether FOX 5 'fesses up to its faux pas.