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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. you're not alone - I am planning on doing the same thing if DJ is retained, and I have NEVER considered cancelling my NFL Direct Ticket before. I was disgusted with RW & DJ, now I am borderline apathetic. I have lived in ATL for 18 years and have managed to go to at least one game at the Ralph every year. I will not spend another dime on this team with the current regime in place.
  2. prolly?
  3. oh really? last time I checked it's 2009... is "Bellichex" the old Croatian root of the name..?
  4. you try to defend yourself then spell dictionary as "diccionery"? Who is "Bellichex" ? LAME
  5. Nice..... - That is a real fuc _ _ _ _ nightmare scenario - let Jauron come back next year and haing himself by going 0-3, then we have to find a new coach/system mid-season next year. I vote you as Mr. Dysfunction of the Year award. Sack him NOW or after we finish 6-10 so at least we have a shot at hiring a halfway decent coach......not
  6. That would be a highlight reel ......
  7. um....that would be CRUCIFIED. I know it's a tough word, but c'mon now -
  8. Don't get me started with that line of BS - EVERY team has to deal with injuries .... it's a fact of life in the NFL. Last time I checked, the Pats were tied for 1st in the division despite losing their all-world QB for the ENTIRE YEAR.....and their current QB is a guy who never started a game in college. You don't think coaching has put the Pats where they are now? Stop being an idiot and defending DJ
  9. I do blame someone who is a terrible game day coach, cannot manage the game, is constantly coaching "not to lose",and does not know how/when to use timeouts. I am sick of hearing the lame argument about changing coaches every 3 yrs. .... DJ is a LOSER
  10. "New system" my as_ .... seems like things are working quite well in Atlanta & Miami.....
  11. I had to laugh in the 2nd Q when Rich Gannon actually said, with a straight face, that "the OL has become a position of strength for the Bills" Nice research, Rich....that was about as maddening as the NFL announcers making the inane "taking it to the second level" comment -
  12. you mean parameters ??
  13. corrected: jinx
  14. Don't fool yourself into thinking it's gonna happen this week - we say the same thing every single damn week. Not gonna happen with Dickie J at the helm....completely passive and the team has taken on his unconfident, "play not to lose" persona. Playoffs? are you delusional? even if we made it we'd get blown out in the first round. Not trying to be negative, but I am a realist. We have too many holes and poor coaching.
  15. Agreed...I was at the game and saw the play live and again on the big screen replay - no holding by Hardy. A very weak, BS call - we got jobbed
  16. Was the word "Belichek" (sic) not typed big enough for you to read? The only thing more painful than sitting at that game Sunday is reading the idiots on this board who don't know how to read, write, or spell....I am ready to slit my wrists.
  17. Note to self: the word is EMOTION
  18. 6. Ralph Wilson will never pay for a top-tier coach as long as he is owner of the team
  19. You are clueless. It does not matter WHO the Bills put it in at QB - they CANNOT run the ball, so other teams know what's coming and are not afraid to show exotic pass coverages and blitz Edwards at every opportunity. So he is to rush his reads and cannot step up b/c the pocket is collapsing ariund him....again, b/c NO ONE is afraid of our run game. Even a casual observer of the Bills can see this - why can't you? And you think putting Losman back in is the answer?? Unfrickingbelievable.
  20. bored at work useless post of the day
  21. whaaaaaaattt ? .....
  22. no, that's not true - I would say the same thing as I did even when we started 4-0.......that we can't run the damn ball, and sooner or later it was gonna catch up to us. The core problems: poor OL and DL play.....not addressed in the draft. It's plain as day.
  23. correction - scapegoat.....Try Webster's - )
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