one correction to your observations: to get news & be informed, you won't get it from picking up a newspaper. Why do you think so many newspapers are in such dire straits financially? Because they produce slanted, biased crap which they try to pass off as " farmers are just siitting with their families, gathered 'round the old Philco in their living rooms, waiting for Rush to guide their ignorant lives. Unlike a large portion of Obama's supporter, waiting for the next handout, those farmers are actuallu busy working.
Ummm - I think it is the farmers who are actually receiving the handouts for not working. Iowa gets more in subsidies per industry and per capita then NY. - for growing corn for ethanol and for livestock feed. And yes, most of those people actually sit around their radios in their pick-up trucks listening to Rush and watching Glenn Beck on a new 52" LCD screen to get news instead of picking up a paper or reading online to get the real news and be informed.
Let's stick to football, not politics. It's only depressing....