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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. you both know it's Dave & Buster's, right?
  2. ..and you know this how, exactly?
  3. Umm, they are one & the same as pointed out ad nauseum by others in this thread. Why beat a dead horse? "Broken" is a slang or euphemistic way of describing a fracture. Nothing else needs to be said.
  4. Once again, let me spell it out: I do not ignore quality posts. So your comment "you and others" is once again painting me with a broad brush. So you choose to "ignore idiots" - that is so commendable - but since you are convinced it is "apparently hard for me & others to ignore idiots", then it must be true, right? I do too when the level of discussion turns to things like c - - k sucking. But because I have worked in the field of healthcare & specifically orthopedic surgery, I felt it appropriate to challenge some ill-informed opinions with objective rebuttals. You chose to cite the cases of L Washington & J Gross. Good for you. We aren't that far apart, but we chose different means to an end. BTW, you actually think I sound lofty by making a big deal about people not knowing the difference between fractures & breaks? I wasn't the only one making that obvious observation. I think that is a pretty basic, easily understandable comparison - maybe you don't.
  5. OK, deal - but bottom feeder am I not; I challenged others' misguided, amateurish medical opinions; that's it - if you noticed. (i.e., people actually asking on this Board what the difference between a break and a fracture is.... ) So are you saying because I did not reply to the Leon Washington story, my opinions are illegitimate? as if replying to the Leon Washington story is the sole predicator of legitimacy on this board? What I did not do is get caught up with all the other moronic stuff you reference below, so please do not paint with a broad brush and lump me with c- - k sucking and other idiotic nonsense.
  6. I did make a comment about that moron's post, & I know at least one other person did as well. Enjoy the view of us mere minions from your lofty perch.....
  7. it's a moot point anyway that you are leaving. Good luck, dumbxxx, and take your "mute" points elsewhere
  8. my reading comprehension skills are just fine...maybe you need to work on your writing comprehension skills. Andrews, or a guy "like" Andrews, is not a trauma specialist, as other posters have pointed out already, so why would someone like Andrews be consulted on this case? Andrews IS a highly recognized specialist in SOFT TISSUE cases, i.e., the pitcher who may need Tommy John surgery or the football player with the blown ACL. Nice work with the name-calling on my title ("Buffoon") - if you want to start that nonsense go somewhere else. It is uncalled for.
  9. neither the initial diagnosis of a compound fracture nor the immediacy of his surgery are proof points that this is a "worst case scenario". The severity of the scenario can only be ascertained by the operative surgeon, i.e., severe comminution (fragmentation) and/or displacement, soft-tissue trauma, etc. None of us can even make a qualified guess as to this scenario.....
  10. This Chris Brown "report" has been referenced ad nauseum.... how does he know the surgery is for "re-setting the bones" and nothing more? And really, is there any doubt whatsoever his injury is season-ending?
  11. exactly
  12. no, not from Dr. Andrews - his specialty is soft tissue injuries...he does all the pro athletes blown shoulders/knees
  13. are you joking? your post is the most idiotic and thoughtless I have seen tonight.
  14. he will not "have his leg set and casted" - please, stop it with the Marcus Welby wannabe medical opinions. This will involve a surgery called "open reduction & internal fixation", which is invasive and will involve correcting any displacement & inserting hardware and possible bone graft. "Setting it" and "casting it" is for an 8 yrd old who falls off his bike and breaks his arm, for example. The Wood injury was violently horrific.
  15. bone graft is used to augment surgery for a higher risk patient or for a revision surgery after a fracture has not healed (non-union). It has nothing to do with "replacing any dead bone if it was open". An open fracture does not cause bone to "die".
  16. Your last sentence is contradictory to your title of this thread....
  17. now that's going out on a limb....
  18. that would be fibula, Steve O..... PS There is alot of technology to accelerate fracture healing - I sold it earlier in my career.....not to mention I would think medical science has come a ways since 1976.
  19. Yeah, all those "no it all" idiots.... Well at least you know how to spell "idiot" -
  20. ummm, NO - are you joking? 3 reasons: 1) when a team fires its' coach in-season, it almost always names a current AC as the INTERIM head coach - (bolded for emphasis) 2) they need a coach (at least interim) NOW, and did not have anyone permanent lined up 3) they will need to negotiate a deal with Shanahan; this takes time.
  21. who cares where the Bills would pick right now? This is speculative at best. Besides, we should have zero confidence in the current regime that they would do something smart & effective with the 8th, or whatever pick, we are slotted for in Round 1.
  22. yes, the people are "scarred"....nice work, thanks for the news flash
  23. you are nuts. There are coaches who do more with less talent....how about an honest appraisal of his deficiencies? : piss poor game management, failure to inspire or show any passion whatsoever, not holding anyone accountable, zero creativity, being conservative when he should take a risk & vice-versa, his record against winning teams and the AFC East, being totally outclassed and outcoached in-game by superior counterparts, talking in circles when confronted with challenging questions, being uber-soft on his players (...why do you think they all love him??) Anyone else care to weigh on why our head Dick is so utterly inept? I am not suggesting the Dick is the entire problem, but to absolve him is intellectually dishonest.
  24. "loose"?......WTF?..... That spell check is a wonderful thing, you should try it sometime.....
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