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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. Feel the Cold Front - dropping into coverage
  2. as inconsequential as it may seem, I have also resigned myself to not renewing my DTV Sunday Ticket in the wake of this announcement. I also find the timing of the announcement very odd.
  3. Surely you must be joking; and stop calling me Shirley......dangnabbit those tricky words - - - -
  4. not particularly, esp. when you think about all the back story stuff w/ Chipper; it all added up It also allows the Iggles to get a head start on identifying/going after a replacement
  5. agreed, but the question is when ? thanks for the additional points - duly noted. He has to be held accountable. The examples you cite are basic, minimal job requirements how do you - or anyone - know to what extent Whaley was involved in Ryan's hire? Not throwing you under the bus, but I think it's a fair question....
  6. like I said, I'm just glad Marcel's injury is apparently nothing serious - hopefully and I'm REALLY glad that everyone speculating it was a stinger was correct.... . Just kidding, some of you who played football and experienced a stinger had some first-hand experience. damn that sounds rough man, sorry to hear that is still lingering for you ....
  7. The Pegulas and Brandon not properly vetting Rex, as in requiring a formal business plan as to how he was going to manage the team (schematically & operationally)
  8. Except no one guessed correctly that it was a pinched nerve....)) I'll let Rex focus on kissing the ring.... All is good.
  9. "many of us combine to know a great deal of one"? really? I suppose I could copy and paste medical conditions too from the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, but, again, it is entirely speculative. I think the prudent course is to wait until the player is examined and the team releases a statement like Rex just did. It seems like Dareus suffered a pinched nerve which should allow him to play next weekend in his familiar role; occupying space and blockers. Great. Just glad it was nothing more severe.
  10. a "medical expert" on this board cannot pretend to know the extent of Dareus' injury w/out a physical exam and access to any diagnostic imaging/testing
  11. please don't confuse a garbage win against a garbage team as an excuse to absolve Rex from his garbage performance as HC of this team.
  12. another speculative diagnosis; thanks again Dr. Marcus Welby.
  13. simple response to a question with an obvious answer - NO (if you mean what they look like on game days); to add to the examples put forth by DallasBillsFan1: an absolute train wreck overall zero accountability a coach who does not put his players in positions to succeed, and, in fact, squanders their talents (see: Dareus, Marcel) an obvious lack of attention to detail highly unintelligent play marked by insane lack of self-control and positional brain farts I would argue that Rex's misuse of his assets is, in military parlance, a gross dereliction of duty. What would lead anyone to believe that he is going to magically learn from his mistakes and improve next year? That is the gross miscalculation which really is difficult to fathom.
  14. agreed 1000% - I thinking the Bills losing today would have sent an even bigger message to TPegs than the tank job @ Washington. Keeping Rex is going to set this team back 3+ years, not to mention having to deal with the obvious dissension & apathy from square peg/round hole.
  15. yes it would have probably been like cold ice next to a dead corpse .....
  16. in the context of keeping Rex? I think not .....
  17. very glad to hear your family was able to keep your sister for you all; I am sincere about this as I almost lost my life in Buffalo in a car crash on 12/27/98. Left an indelible stamp on me and changed my perspective on a lot of things. Thank God for ECMC.... . Very grateful for everything I have and the fellowship/camaraderie of this Board.
  18. this is a very good thought process of what would be needed with this team; the first question I had after I read it was "is Rex capable of leading this"? and my answer was a resounding NO.
  19. all this stuff about Mario shooting his mouth off makes me think of a different context I have seen elsewhere; these guys are pros making a gazillion $ but at the end of the day, they crave what all successful pros do: to be LED and to respect a coach who is that leader of men. Say all you want about Belicheck but he runs a tight ship and his systems work - plus the players don't talk; at all. Ryan's teams, OTOH, are a loose bunch and are encouraged to speak their minds. How do you think it looks internally when there are no repercussions for poor play, penalties, missed assignments, brain farts? IN Rex's world where he wants to be buddy buddy, the inmates run the asylum. Mario's frustrations are a sign of that. Think of this team as similarity to today's family structure; parents want to be their teenage kids' friends when those kids often need a swift kick in the ass. Family dysfunction = Bills dysfunction.
  20. C'mon Yolo - it's not for our edification. it's not us who needs to get the message. It's someone else who's first name happens to be Terry.
  21. I hope you are just trying to be funny, and I sincerely hope your professor was merely joking with you..... "The standard idiom is for all intents and purposes, not for all intensive purposes,"......"The cause of the confusion is rooted in this phonetic similarity. For all intensive purposes is what is known as an eggcorn, a label invented in the early 2000s by linguist Geoffrey Pullum to describe words or phrases that are misheard and consequently reform into a new word or phrase." http://blog.dictionary.com/for-all-intents-and-purposes-for-all-intensive-purposes/
  22. Pull....."we'll have to go back and look at the film to see what needs to be fixed" Pull....."I guarantee no one in that room has given up"
  23. that's funny .... Gilmore vs. Bryant? Must be a different Gilmore b/c #24 has been I/R'd
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