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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. don't like to see anyone get hurt (unless it's a Cheatriot) but I agree the punk is a total d-bag
  2. To the OP: you are seriously trying to draw a parallel between Goodall & the BonJovi DirecTV commercials? Quite a stretch .... BonJovi's time to ALLEGEDLY become an NFL owner came and went ....and now he's doing DTV commercials. Big deal.
  3. A new word I was unaware of ....."disirregardless"; now that's somewhat of a mindbender.....🤔🤔
  4. Not necessarily in last year's "scheme"
  5. supposably for all intensive purposes he wasn't referring pacifically to the singer Madonna
  6. my favorite comment, from the WalterFootball 2017 draft, round 2: 48. Dallas Cowboys: Cordrea Tankersley, CB, Clemson "The Cowboys blew it by passing on Jalen Ramsey. Apparently, cornerbacks who can erase half the field aren't valuable commodities. Perhaps the front office will prevent Jerry Jones from making stupid decisions next spring. " http://walterfootball.com/draft2017_2.php
  7. I think we read this stuff for 2 reasons: 1) to see what the perceptions of the Bills are outside of WNY & 2) see how much the national pundits are off base so we can laugh at them
  8. not exactly .... Bills - B Miami - D+ Pats - B Jests - D
  9. really good stuff 26.....FWIW my sister takes her dog to day care at the same place as Whaley (and he has the same breed of dog as I), and she says he is a real nice, cool dude. Glad to read this insider stuff, helps me feel connected as an out-of-towner....
  10. this makes perfect sense. Some things are way more beneficial than a monetary amount.
  11. Not at all, you have oversimplified my post. I have been a fan since my wee years, have traveled to away games, spent alot of money, paid alot of coin to watch the Bills at sports bars, and paid DTV before I figured out how to play the negotiation game. I will never not "plan to follow the team this year". It may just mean I watch the games on the Internet instead of playing the game again with DTV. All I'm saying is I'm not impressed with Rex and last year's undisciplined crew was tough to swallow. And no, I don't "pick and choose" which season I will follow the team. I have never not followed the Bills. I just want the talent to be leveraged by Rex, not squandered by stupidity. I think you overreacted to my post. Maybe I did not explain myself fully with the right context. I always wind up watching no matter what. I just found last year to be the most frustrating season of memory.
  12. I have designs on crafting my annual negotiation strategy which will enable me, after all is said and done, to get the Sunday Ticket Max for $0 after all discounts and credits are factored in. I may not elect to do so just for the simple fact that I may choose not to get sucked in again and fall victim to blowing my Sundays under the guise of watching a 6-10, 7-9, or at best 8-8 record. Before anyone calls me a pessimist, check yourself and avoid drinking the Kool-Aid. I say all this b/c Rex is still our HC, and I'm not impressed.
  13. I didn't see it as him being defensive at the end; he was asked a question as to how he heard he supposedly blew his assigned gap and he just gave an honest answer. I don't think he'll have a problem with accountability/criticism in Buffalo. You don't succeed playing for Saban by not being accountable. He's a big boy.
  14. Kiran is a guy who knows his shizit....."it's embarrassing Striker was not drafted.....and is a guy with high character." He goes on to say Striker will become a ST captain. The only thing I find arguable is Kiran's assertion that Striker will become a starting ILB before his career is over; at 6', 218lb? not so sure about that unless he adds mass.
  15. wow is all I can say. Rare is the speech or interview by a college kid or pro which is not riddled with boring cliches. I have to admit watching this did bring a tear to my eye. Hope he does well enough to stick w/ the Bills.
  16. great analysis but I would add one thing as a causal factor: the undisciplined propensity for careless, totally unnecessary penalties which are the epitome of a Rex Ryan team - i.e., all the BS penalties after the play is over. If this culture/behavior doesn't change, it does not matter how good this draft was.
  17. yep, I understand the chronology, but to say the Bills have never been that good is a bit of a misrepresentation...)) and I can see he was making that statement relative to his own experience/timeframe
  18. not sure how bright this guy is ......or maybe he did not to go Bills games during the 4 year SB run ....)) "We were at all the Bills games; we were cheering for the Bills and all that," he said earlier this year at the NFL Scouting Combine. "Obviously, they have never been that good, but we were always there cheering for them and everything. But yeah, that would be awesome to be there. Any team would be a dream come true." http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000659018/article/rex-signs-gronks-brother-as-undrafted-free-agent
  19. yep - old tweet, probably goofing off. I'll take the insight of someone I know who has followed him and watched him play at OSU.
  20. from a golf buddy of mine who is an OSU alum and knows every facet of OSU football: "He's huge, cannon arm, surprisingly athletic. He's pretty bright. The rap on him was that he was goofy and wasn't always serious enough. I've seen interviews that suggest that it's going to be real now. I like him; I hope he makes it big."
  21. yes he was. My point was that some on this board seem to have a paranoia and lack of confidence in Whaley that he would do such a thing.
  22. too funny. I believe you were the one who surmised the Bills might trade up into the the 3rd to take FSU K Aguayo .......
  23. Dragonborn10 at 8:07pm, that's the hell who ....
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