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Everything posted by BuffaninATL

  1. that was my fault, I see what you mean. Mea culpa.
  2. yes I did read your post. That's why I responded to it. The way it is written is misleading. You state "imo" the Ravens or the Chargers need to lose without any mention of the Titans. It's not an opinion, it's black & white -
  3. the refs did not screw us. The goon in NYC, Riveron, did.....
  4. Not true. If the Ravens lose and we win, we're in. Otherwise, the Chargers AND the Titans have to lose.
  5. This is a gross oversimplification. When you say "Good teams get calls", it's really only one team coming up over and over again - for the wrong reasons.
  6. would of, would have, it's all gibberish to me
  7. Whining and crying is not what I am doing. The Bills lost to a superior team. I laid out a case objectively with examples I cited describing a parasitic relationship between the NFL and its' scion of virtue, the NE Patriots; why don't you try to refute those? Because you can't, even if you tried taking off your beer goggles. You take pride in other fanbases' whining & crying? That is pathetic.
  8. I wouldn't necessarily call it cheating. It goes way past that. I would call it being aided & abetted by the NFL & Goodell, who have a vested interest in seeing the Pats remain on top, through whatever means necessary. Please .....This goes way past Deflategate. It's about a different set of standards for how the the game is legislated when the Pats are in it, i.e., why wasn't Gronk immediately ejected from the game after his WWE move on Tre White? Why do they never get called for OL holding? Why are rulings reversed in the Pats favor at an embarrassingly high rate? I could go on ad nauseum. To not acknowledge this reality is just being intellectually dishonest. It's the collusion between the Krafty family and Roger (seriously, do we need the obligatory camera shot of the Kraft family suite at every game?) I have the utmost respect for Belichick and Brady in their respective positions. I admire how much Belichick gets out of his squad no matter who is on the roster or hurt, and he is the greatest at making halftime adjustments. But the NFL is the ultimate enabler in a toxic co-dependent relationship. It's obvious for all to see. The Pats don't need any help getting pushed across the goal line. If all this makes you feel proud to be Pats fan, I feel sorry for you.
  9. with all due respect to Yolo, look at who's #1 - there is something top-shelf going on at UGA ! http://insider.espn.com/college-sports/football/recruiting/classrankings
  10. to the OP: excellent post. If the Bills did not exist I would not watch this tripe.
  11. Agree with everything except the golf analogy. The NFL has become the WWE with predetermined outcomes - not at all with golf.
  12. Agreed 100%. For all the reasons you cite (and more), to me the NFL has become an unwatchable, watered down product controlled by an insatiable thirst for profits at all costs and Vegas betting lines. Thursday night games are a joke, with players on a short week producing a garbage result. TV timeouts ad nauseum and a broken officiating system with highly selective enforcement rob this game of any spontaneity. I find the spirit and excitement of college football at its highest level to be far more compelling. excellent take. I have read accounts of Krafty Bob's business dealings from his past and they are not complimentary. Quite the opposite.
  13. Benjamin does not have a torn MCL, as you probably heard Nantz incorrectly proclaim early in the game. KB has a torn meniscus; it's apples and oranges.
  14. great play on a malaprop .....!
  15. agreed 1000% with the above and all preceding posts by TX. You don't have to live outside Bflo. to see the utter ineptitude at all levels, and to blame it all on "the local media" is more Kool-Aid being consumed than at the Jonestown Massacre
  16. epically great post ..... He's the head coach, the CEO - it rolls up to him. Yes it's his fault for several reasons.
  17. to the OP = spelling and grammar are your friends. Get to know them. That was painful to read. I knew I was in trouble when the subject line was in all CAPS.
  18. to the OP: you listed all the PROS but omitted a longer list of CONS
  19. 199 yards rushing and a pass play on 1st down from their own end zone with Mack vs Mills? Brilliant play call
  20. I'm calling BS on your "inference"; the jury is out on TT for several reasons: 1) accuracy issues 2) not seeing or being unwilling to use the middle of the field (perhaps due to his lack of height to see over the line, as pointed out yesterday by Tasker); 3) he seems to only be able to hit a receiver who he feels is 100% open - lacking the precision of timing routes and throwing to a spot His escapability and speed add another dimension, to be fair, but is he a franchise QB?
  21. great post, still not 100% sold on Rex. I'm a contrarian I suppose ...
  22. per the bolded, on what basis do you know anything about his ability/willingness to play through pain? Do you know the specific pathology of the Jones (5th metatarsal) fracture? Your "expectation" sounds well-informed as well ......
  23. love the post dude - he was awesome on SNL last week, no?
  24. IMO this plays in the Bills favor if the wind negates both QBs; run & stop the run.
  25. hot wings? surely you jest .....
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