I wouldn't necessarily call it cheating. It goes way past that. I would call it being aided & abetted by the NFL & Goodell, who have a vested interest in seeing the Pats remain on top, through whatever means necessary. Please .....This goes way past Deflategate. It's about a different set of standards for how the the game is legislated when the Pats are in it, i.e., why wasn't Gronk immediately ejected from the game after his WWE move on Tre White? Why do they never get called for OL holding? Why are rulings reversed in the Pats favor at an embarrassingly high rate? I could go on ad nauseum. To not acknowledge this reality is just being intellectually dishonest. It's the collusion between the Krafty family and Roger (seriously, do we need the obligatory camera shot of the Kraft family suite at every game?)
I have the utmost respect for Belichick and Brady in their respective positions. I admire how much Belichick gets out of his squad no matter who is on the roster or hurt, and he is the greatest at making halftime adjustments. But the NFL is the ultimate enabler in a toxic co-dependent relationship. It's obvious for all to see. The Pats don't need any help getting pushed across the goal line.
If all this makes you feel proud to be Pats fan, I feel sorry for you.