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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. JT if there in the 2nd when we pick should he a no brainer
  2. Really? So your memory is unable to recall Incognito’s little adventure In Miami texting inappropriate racist ***** to his teammate? Need I go on.....? He was just a tad chastised....just a tad
  3. Translation- base of the team is built- add shiny new toys in key positions through FA and the draft- 1 player isn’t putting this team over the top.
  4. Maybe more balanced is a better way to look at it? I would have to crunch numbers but at a glance over the past few seasons it seems there was less passes than years prior. Star will definitely be back! He was pretty solid last season.
  5. NFL is evolving back to running the ball- I like me some run stuffers.
  6. Prove it deal- if not c ya. Cutting him outright is a larger cap hit.
  7. This probably belongs on the politics feed. Also, natural gas out of PA is their cash cow.
  8. I want all our games home- cant stand this global marketing money grab bs
  9. 1 in 8 chance it looks like. What does that look like for us season ticket holders? I would think 1 less game to pay for?
  10. He is tough/strong for his size but he isn’t lowering his pads and bowling people over. So yes, we need a big back to wear defenses down and punish them.
  11. Great mock Gunner! Tee did not show well during the championship game, however if you watch the kids entire body of work he can flat out play WR and should be a beast at the next level. I am chalking up the dud as an anomaly. Go Bills
  12. I am not so sure he has ever been medicated to begin with in my opinion and I am in the medical field he has had a tbi or undiagnosed bipolar. Hopefully he doesnt kill himself or someone one day- its sad to see.
  13. He has a few anomaly game under is belt I will give you that. Definitely played better post season
  14. Your wife is accurate in her assessment. He is super soft and will never go for the extra yards. What a waste of talent.
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