I dont remember seeing a worse team than what I saw today. This regime is just as bad as the Kay Stephenson and Hank bullough days. It all starts at the top and we are in the same class as Oakland and Cleveland. This so called management has missed on head coaches, number one draft picks, number 2 draft picks I.E. JP, McCargo, Williams, Denney, Kelsey, Flowers, Whitner, yeah I said him too....a number 8 over all has to make plays and he makes none! And lets not even talk about free agents. Dick Jauron doesnt have a clue how to manage a game....poor challenges, clock mismanagement, awful play calling, lack of emotion! Folks, the list goes on and on. This is what you get when you hire a "on the cheap" coach with a proven track record of losing. I know some of you in here will defend him, and thats ok its your opinion. But W's and L's tell it all and last I checked we have been losing for 9 years. Last year a good friend of mine said playoffs just like Donte and I said nope, 7 and 9. Well fellas here we are again. I am not going to jump off the bandwagon like many will, I am merely venting and saying ther blatantly obvious to me. As to my credibility, 32 years of family seasons and going to the games since I have been 6....Nuff Said. When you have a marketing guy as your VP "really GM" then your screwed. Put Russ back into managing the cap and keeping the Bills competitive in a volatile market and hire a bonafide GM and coach you cheap ass Ralph.