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Everything posted by billsfan_34

  1. Oh, absolutely Putin is smarter than Biden. But then again, my left little testicle is smarter than Uncle Creepy. Time to get over the Trump Derangement Syndrome you got going on and quit with all the silly insults, as they are easy to do behind a keyboard. In all seriousness, we are all Americans, and should only send are young men and women to war when absolutely necessary. I was subjected to missiles, mortars, and rockets in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq on a daily basis, and when one blows ya off your feet, and has long term affects, you may then understand my position.
  2. Weather, post holiday bills, and the economy (inflation) causes folks to put their money into necessity items and forego entertainment.
  3. Singletary plays as he gives us the best chance to clinch the division. If I am wrong, I will mangia some crow 😊
  4. Projections and game day are 2 separate things….”any given Sunday”. We win Sunday and our Bills are in a good spot.
  5. This thread keeps looping back around, and I cannot help but remind the OP that this may perhaps be the worst post ever but here I am breathing life into this nonsense- Go Bills.
  6. Zero patience or concentration- then whack, right into his teammate. Everytime he is back there I cringe.
  7. McD has been the best coach the Bills have had since Wade Phillips. Every single coach has a game here or there where things just seem to not align. His record and going to the AFC Championship game last year tells me McD is not going anywhere - just a hunch- step off the ledge, take a deep breath- we are 9-6 and control our destiny.
  8. I see your point, and initially thought this as well. We just have to be committed to a more balanced attack, control clock, and be LOUD! Go Bills.
  9. People should stop breeding the if they cannot afford kids. As stated before, nowhere does it state in the constitution that the government shall take care of your child. Perhaps if we lowered taxes, didnt give returns to people who did not or harldy paid taxes, and got rid of all the bs hidden taxes we, as a nation, would be better off. This is not a Dem or Rep. Assault, just showing how far we have slid down.
  10. NFL players can be such whiney *****! Awe nothing to do? Spend a year in Iraq, 6 months out to sea etc…Joe, you make enough money to take vacations, road trips, etc and surely Cinci cannot be all that bad. Try Havelock, NC. Now STFU AND PLAY FOOTBALL.
  11. I did, its a loophole. Just a pre tax payout on your return. That “last little bit” ended up screwing me. Oh well, it is what it is.
  12. Go back and watch his college film…dude got better each year and at the end, was a machine. I agree, he is going to slide into the 2 spot soon.
  13. Yes they are- went right into the income pile. They just were not taxed upfront.
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