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  1. He is a team first guy always ready to battle! I want him back
  2. Done! Prior to getting injured again he looked terrible
  3. Hated the play call there. Its how you wreck your franchise guy. Pound your backs
  4. Just another terrorist organization trying to topple a dictator. The muslim world is filled with not only secular but tribal lines. Sometimes the only way to rule is with an Iron Fist. See Iraq heck see Yugoslavia before the USSR collapsed. Not saying its right but just sayin….
  5. Bong Rip Josh Gordon was high for every game he played
  6. Cuz the dude is dumber than a box of rocks and brainwashed to boot. The Karma creeped up and bit him in the buttocks 😊
  7. That’s right! Purdy can’t Brandon Allen Cant.
  8. They know Lake Effect snow and 20 mph winds too. 22 degrees at gametime for a California team coming east.
  9. Beat me to it 😂😂😂
  10. Is he? You sure? A very strong assertation. Im happy to prove you wrong again, and again…the law seems to have said otherwise. Get help
  11. Thanks for helping me prove my point 😂
  12. All immigrants work harder? Some do some don’t. I just watched them build my house and others in SC. Their quality is average and you have to watch them like a hawk.
  13. And 13 killed in Afghanistan. Lord only knows how many more that were left behind. Exactly! Thank you 😊 Eh the masons/concrete guys are good. All the others meh 🫤
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