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Posts posted by flmike

  1. Presents himself well. Seems to really know football. Only 4 games over 500 as an NFL coach, though. Hope he has a similar boost as Levy's here. Let's face it, even if Lombardi were able to take this team, it will be a while until things turn around. Let's hope it's fun to watch again.

  2. You are being overly sensitive...I mean, we are talking about a game here, not your kids or family. Its not that serious for one...


    Second, who cares what they say...let them talk, it will just be that more satisfying when we get this ship turned around assuming Gailey works out.


    Third, part of sports is ribbing on your friends, co-workers, etc whenever you can. Roll with it, why be embarrased? I was all over friends who are Eagles fans after they got destroyed and at least they were in the playoffs...same with my friends who are Cowboy fans...part of the game...(funny thing is that even though I live in Southern California I dont have any friends who are Chargers fans to make fun of...lmao)


    Fourth, from what I am being told Gailey is pretty highly respected in NFL circles and amongst his peers. Sure he wasnt a sexy choice, so the media is going to pile on...but now that the dust has settled and we know a little bit more about him he doesnt look so bad. Lets give him a chance to do something here before we condem him like the media.


  3. Considering the attractiveness of this organization right now, this was about the best we could do. At least he has experience winning football games. Dick Jauron really didn't, the one season aside. Also he seems to have been able to work with marginal talent. He will have this until Buddy gets us some good players. In the end, a HC is only as good as his coordinators and especially his players. Looks like he's here, so to all the fair-weather fans, see ya. Go root for the team that's winning, cause, ya know, that makes you a better person.

  4. Last time I checked John Fox was still the coach in Carolina. If the Bills did ask if he'd be interested, that would be called tampering. I know it's a big word, if you need help, I could look up the meaning for you.


    All these guys you mention as great head coaches all started out just like Williams, Mularkey and whomever we may end up hiring this time. They were coordinators that someone took a chance on. The difference was they worked out, though you could argue that it took Cowler a long time, longer than many teams would have waited. I think a bigger reason that they worked and Williams and Mularkey didn't was they had better players to work with which is a function of the GM.


    Actually I'm of the opinion that coaching is over-rated, and the GM job is under-rated. Get good players and everyone looks much smarter. For example, what did Marv Levy do prior to coming to Buffalo? There are many other similar situation in various sports, teams who lost for years, hired a good GM and things turned around.


    It's also been documented that any recycled coach over 50 has never won much the second time around either. They are respectable which certainly would be a huge improvement, but I believe at most only one of them has ever won it all. o be careful what you wish for.


  5. OK, a post on the topic.. I would only give up on the Bills if they moved. I'm not going to root for a crappy team in someone else's city. It would suck, but I'd move on to another team near where I live, I guess. No way I'd jump over to the Jets or Giants since they play in NJ.


    It's always disappointing when you see the crap going on with this team. I'm starting to think that RW, like every blind dog, found a bone in Polian and that's gonna be it for us.

  6. My goodness, how many of you would spend millions of dollars based on what about football fans say? I've been involved in hiring people and sometimes you offer the job and they say "I need to think about it for a couple of weeks." If you really want them and no one is competing with you (at least no NFL teams) then you say, "sure thing, but we can't drag this out too long." Season's not even over yet. Let Nix do his job. If he hired quickly, you'd gripe about that too.

  7. Well, for one thing, they had to let the staff go because that is common practice when bringing in a new HC. Actually this would be more attractive, since the new guy doesn't have to accept some coordinators already here. Anyone but Cowher would jump at this job. You can only look good after the mess that was created. No one wants to follow a legend, really. Anyway, forget Cowher. Remember how we used to beat his teams pretty regularly in the 90s? I never thought he was the coach of the century. Also, I don't like giving a coach control over personnel. Hasn't really worked in too many places has it? Let the talent evaluators get the players and let the coaches teach and work the Xs and Os as it should be.

  8. I was thinking about Larry Felser today. That's a guy who never had a problem covering the Bills. Why? He took the time to develop contacts, which is what reporters do. He could probably get Ralph Wilson on the phone if he wanted to. When people like you, or at least don't think you are a walking herpes sore, they will talk to you and tell you stuff.


    Somewhere along the way Jerry Sullivan decided contacts are for chumps and just started hammering away at the Bills. Then he got all indignant because they won't talk to him and feed him tidbits. Meanwhile a guy in Florida broadcasting from his basement over the internet is running circles around Sullivan.





    Dude, no one in FL has basements.

  9. Regardless of what the Colts did, the Bills could and should have started Brohm. Or at least played him in the 2nd half. I think I'm more pissed about that than anything else. And looking at the standings, there's a chance that the win doesn't even drop them down in the draft order.



    I still don't understand the fascination with Brohm. Exactly how many practice squad QBs have ended up having all-pro careers? If he had that much promise the coaches would have found a way to get him in. This is valuable snow-game experience for Fitz and quite the confidence builder. You need that in a backup.

  10. Let's not lose sight of the fact that most of our starting OL are former or future car wash employees. This also applies for a number of the no names we have playing defense.


    Overall I'd say it's a pretty fair matchup!



    Exactly, we haven't a Bills first string on the field for half the season. The Colts actually have the advantage in that their guys have been on the 53-man roster for most of the year.

  11. He didn't really bash them, but he said they weren't meant to play in buffalo. The undersized linemen who are built for speed aren't good for buffalo because of the weather conditions. They are good for an indoor team like Indy. That is a short summary of what he said.



    Absolutely right. I just hope they never build a dome in Buffalo. I hate watching games in domes.

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