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Captain Quint

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Everything posted by Captain Quint

  1. Kentucky bourbon whiskey, fresh mint, sugar water, and horses.
  2. I agree that I felt better about it after I learned that. To me, it's two totally different situations. Carrying it on you shows that you're ready to use it if provoked. Locked in the trunk? It's still accessible, but not nearly as close. It would be alot easier to walk/drive away from something if the gun is in the trunk, IMO. I think what the article is saying is that the situation is different than what everybody thinks now, and I don't see how that is possible. So far, we're lead to believe that the gun was unlicensed, in the trunk, and belonged to Marshawn. We know that because he's come out and said all of that. I think that the "source" is saying that it's different. I just can't see (short of Marshawn going in and saying that he was covering for someone else) how it could change in his favor.
  3. I think since day 1 it was known that it was in the trunk, and nobody had the piece on them when the car was searched.
  4. Its true, this was him just a couple years ago: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/comm...nd_williams.jpg
  5. I'll answer: he would be holding out just like Peters. Harrison's situation is more like Evans than Peters. Harrison is set to become a FA next offseason, so they have this whole year to get a contract worked out.
  6. Yeah, I didn't understand that either. It was portrayed that there was an unlicensed gun in the trunk of the car that belonged to Marshawn, and that is by his own account. What variables could possibly exist other than he was covering for one of the other two that were in the car?
  7. I agree completely, but it's two different worlds. He's not trying to get more money because there is such a difference between the way that he can live/retire making $4MM, $8MM, or $11.5MM/yr. It's more of an ego thing. He believes that he's the best lineman in the game and wants to be paid that way. If the going rate was $8MM, he'd be going for $8MM+. It just happens that the going rate is now $11.5MM, so he's going for that. I can't say I blame the guy, because there isn't a player in the league who would accept that big of a discrepancy ($4MM vs $10+MM) in what they are being paid vs. what they are worth.
  8. His argument will be that he could be hurt in 2 years. What you propose is fair to the team, but it basically takes all of the risk and puts it on the player.
  9. Did yours say: IN BUFfalo, SUperbowlS aRe OuR HobBy...SEE you NExt YEAR in jOE roBBie?
  10. God, why don't we just become Quakers again!
  11. I'm amazed that you've been here since 2006 and you're still clueless.
  12. I agree Cap'n. I think I'll J.O. instead of bang the girlfriend tonight.
  13. you're so gay for mentioning this movie.
  14. My guess is cocaine. That's pretty ballsy before a 20 minute interview.
  15. He probably has a pretty decent, dry sense of humor. He's pretty rigid in interviews, but I bet that he's much more personable off camera.
  16. It was a good interview: Asked about TO coming here and he said that he loved it and that he wanted to be playing in January & February. Asked if he feels pressure now that they have the weapons, and he said that he feels good about the organization being behind him enough to get those weapons (I think he was talking about Evans contract, too). Asked if he was ready to be asked about TO in every interview and he laughed and said he was getting used to it. At the end, they were saying that he was an easy guy to root for. Nothing earth shattering, but it was nice to see some more Bills coverage.
  17. I've been watching that, too. I don't really laugh much during it, but it's still a very entertaining comedy.
  18. Looks like we should have drafted Korrodi instead He's #1. On a side note, I'm pretty disappointed in Group 1's effort. Group 2 really brought it today. Thanks for posting this 3 year old piece of non-linked garbage. Real helpful in putting this debate to bed.
  19. I think that if he misses more than 3 games, we need to address it via free agency in 2010, not the draft. If we draft a QB early next year (or especially this year), it will show that we're moving on. I agree that you can't expect your starter to be sidelined.
  20. No brainer: Brady and after last year, a close runner up would have to be Kris Jenkins.
  21. It could have used more blatant cheapshots at the writer (since he's from Providence), but all in all, I like it. Somebody has to hold the writers accountable for the crap that they get paid for.
  22. Honestly, I think that the last two were just as exciting, and I'm not a fan of any of the teams that played.
  23. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3968052 Springs was signed last week. The taller Bodden was signed after we signed TO.
  24. I once killed a man just to sustain an erection. Oops, I think I'm in the wrong thread.
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