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Captain Quint

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Posts posted by Captain Quint

  1. Was BJ Sams in Bills camp last year or was that PK Sam?


    I actually used to watch the World Football League (mid seventies, their ball had international orange stripes), and I watched Jim Kelly (along with his run and shoot receivers Gerald "The Ice Cube" McNeil, Vince Courville, Clarence Verdin, and Richard Sanders, as well as Todd Fowler and KiKi DeAyala) play for the Houston Gamblers of the USFL. I did not pay any attention to the XFL. Seeing as this is held during the NFL regular football season, I could actually see myself watching a few of the games.


    That was PK Sam this year:

    Buffalo Bills

    On January 26, 2009, Sam was signed to a reserve/future contract by the Buffalo Bills.


    Last year, he played in the CFL. He also has a Super Bowl ring with the Pats.

  2. If you're trying to imply that he's gay, he's got a bastard kid, just like your boy Brady. So...


    And he doesn't carry a purse or say things like this:


    Matt (Casell) and I fight like teenage girls. We are always slapping each other around and wrestling and slap boxing and [messing] around with each other in the weight room. And so I decided to take that to the next level. And we were messing around in the quarterback room one day and he walked in with a milkshake, and I kind of put my foot by the door, and I kicked the door and the milkshake splashed up and went all over him. So he sat down, and I was laughing. So I said give me the towel, because I wanted to clean up the wall. So I threw the towel at his face, and it had shake all over it. He had a little shake in his mouth and he spit it all over me.

  3. True, but depending upon the industry you want to work in, pedigree can be very important.


    Right, but I think the point I'm trying to make is that every career isn't cut out for just anyone. If daddy's loaded and wants to pay for med school, by all means, go for it. But whats the point in swimming in debt for the first 40 years of your life just to be a doctor or a professor at a university? Just because you want to be one? To me it seems foolish. I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do, but that's just my outlook.


    The way I see it, you need to make your choice based on your means at the time. There's nothing stopping me from going back to school when I'm in my 30's or 40's and getting a doctorate once I'm debt free and have money in the bank to pay for it if that's what I wanted to do (which it isn't).

  4. The bottom line is that nobody's forcing people to attend colleges that they can't afford. I can't even dream of taking out $50K or $100K in student loans, most before the age of 25. Thats insanity! Some people just weren't meant to be doctors or go to law school or Ivy league schools. It's like the person who buys a Lexus because they're wealthy friends did, and then complains about the payments.


    Bottom line is to go to a college that you can afford to attend. Take out a reasonable amount of debt if you need to, but don't overextend yourself. I'm in my late 20's and have a degree from a PA State school and have realized that your pedigree isn't nearly as important as your work ethic, life skills, & how you create your own opportunities.


    Digging yourself into a hole prior to getting off the starting line is nobody's fault but their own.

  5. Apparently you did not notice that this was back in December which I have already stated was months before reading Louise Hayes.


    Besides, like I said, I didn't mean anything by it. I'm as optimistic as any Bills fan, just not as open as you are in both your frustrations and outlook. I'm hoping that every year is a playoff year, and was just as disappointed as you by the second half of last season. I'm also an avid reader and will check this book out in the future.

  6. HAHAHAHAHA playofs????superbowl???? you guys are so diluded its not even funny


    but yea it is funny!


    ok, when they dont make the playoffs again you can sit in the corner and cry, ill be the one happily saying told ya so...ill root for this "football team" when theres real players and real coaches not pansies who need diaper changes...til then probaly the the titans or the 49ers those are football teams


    :thumbsup: LOL

  7. "My name is George. I'm unemployed and I live with my parents."


    Mr. Cushman : Why don't you tell me about some of your previous job experiences?


    George : Alrighty. Ah ... my last job was in publishing ... I got fired for having sex in my office with the cleaning woman.


    Mr. Cushman : Go on.


    George : Alright, before that, I was in real estate. I quit, because the boss wouldn't let me use his private bathroom. That was it.

  8. You're really going to criticize a fellow Bills fan for having mood swings during the season? I mean, maybe trying to organize a walk out was a bit extreme, but Jesus H Christ on a stick, we were all pissed off.


    Funny you should mention this. I do believe that this took place in something called the Past. I have taken a whole new outlook and changed negative thoughts to positive in ways I still do not understand. Thanks for the reminder though.


    This is not to say that I am going to be dancin' in the streets when they lose but it certainly beats other alternatives.


    Just bustin' balls here. I know full well that Buffalo Bills football induces mood swings beyond a pregnant woman's imagination. Someone's got to hold him accountable, right?

  9. By now we have all read that Brandon Marshall wants out of Denver and one of the most likely scenarios is a straight up Evans for Marshall trade.


    I for one do not like it. I realize that the Bills have thrown the character issue out the window as off season events like Marshawn, Whitner and McIntyre attest. While I think having a few thugs is to be expected for most teams, I do not think going out and seeking a thug makes any sense. Evans is a pretty stand up guy and a good teammate. Didn't we just sign him to a long term deal? Wouldn't we have to eat the signing bonus?


    I understand that Marshall is the better receiver in every aspect of the game but is he really that much better?. He is a little bit better at everything but he is not a lot better at most things. Maybe his ability to run shorter routes matches better with Edwards arm but how much better really? It's not like he runs a lot of screens.


    Anyway I hope this trade does not happen.



  10. I agree. But what I think the Bills were thinking 1) will Corner make the jump? 2) will Youboty comeback from his injury in time 3) you really can't count on a 6th rounder in his first year, 4) what if we lose a corner for the season in training camp?. Getting an experienced guy like Flo won't hurt. AND, as we all know you can never have enough corners....


    Yeah, I think that he'll do well for us. The price tag is high, but it is the same guy who just signed a 6yr, $36MM contract just last year. Crazy how things change in just one years time.


    And finally, I'd probably be complaining if we went out and signed some no name guy for half the price too, but the reason would be that we never sign big name FA's.


    Either way, I think that he'll help us this season.

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