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Captain Quint

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Everything posted by Captain Quint

  1. I tend to agree with the after-effects of that pass on our season, but I think that it didn't really have anything to do with choking. I chalk that up to a young player making a stupid throw. However, after the throw and subsequent touchdown, he should have come out fired up and try to right his wrong. Instead, he came out, checked down on every throw for the next month, and never threw the ball down the field despite having open receivers. Basically, the problem wasn't the throw itself, it was the response to it that troubles me. The blame can be spread not only to Edwards, but also the coaching staff for not being able to settle him down. Good QB coaches & head coaches have ways of making young players forget their stupid mistakes, but apparently, this one is taking all season to correct. Either its a slow reaction curve from the Stanford grad or the coaches didn't do the right things or say the right things when he needed it.
  2. Or tell the Jets that you can't buy a team. With the right amount of money & talent, you can be good in the NFL regardless of what happened last year.
  3. This sounds about right. Someone who has played in two games in his career comes into the Ralph on MNF, beats the Bills and severely hinders our playoff chances, and then goes out for the season. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3727363
  4. http://mjperry.blogspot.com/2008/11/cancer...hr-pay-gap.html I'm not talking hourly wage, I'm talking total compensation. You're right that $95 was off, its actually $75/hr, but my point is that the difference is around $30/hr more that Ford, Chrysler, & GM employees make in total compensation. That should tell you how much those union contracts are bringing the industry down as well as the quality of product that is being produced.
  5. Thats hardly the problem. $47/hr for Toyota workers vs $95/hr for GM union workers. Break the union contracts through bankruptcy & GM is back on track to get out of the hole that they've dug for themselves.
  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/broadband/video/...egoryId=3286128
  7. I believe that is part of the prophesy. The final 'kick in the junk' that all Bills fans know is coming.
  8. I'd guess that taking it up the a$$ is more painful than a missed field goal, but you'd know better than I.
  9. http://www.touchdown.org/bandana.jpg
  10. Exactly. You win some & you lose some when it comes down to ending a game with a kick. Even the great ones miss big kicks from time to time. The key to ensuring victory is to never put the ballgame into your kickers hands.
  11. Thanks for this as it is definitely useful, but I don't think that this thread should have been started by a guy named "McKinleys Curse".
  12. Jenkins & Wilfork aren't going anywhere, so if we want to have a chance against them in the coming years, we need the best center we can get this offseason.
  13. Welcome to the board, Tom.
  14. You know, your name should be "guesswho'sback" not "guesswhoseback".
  15. You jumped the gun on McKelvin a little bit too soon early in the season, but he's been awesome as of late. With today in the books, I believe that he's now leading the NFL in yards as well as average. I'm pretty sure that we're seeing a probowl season from the rookie if he can keep it up. Leon Washington is his only competition in the AFC. He had a bumpy start to the season, but it will be forgotten if he keeps up his effort and his emotion. KR's feed off of emotion and he's no exception to that. He could very well be a leader on this team for the next 4 or 5 years. I agree with you on Royal & Fine.
  16. I go on record and say that we will not make the playoffs this year, but next year, we will. I also go on record to say that this year will be a good stepping stone for better things to come! Alot of young players gaining invaluable knowledge on how to win in the NFL.
  17. Dont forget that there's only so many defensive schemes out there and sooner or later, he'll have them figured out. He isn't a moron like JP, so in the long run, the more that he sees, the better it's going to make him. I just don't expect him to keep making the mistakes that he's been making throughout his career. It's normal for young QB's to look short and make turnovers. The problem comes when he's in his 3rd or 4th year and he's still making them, but I don't think that will happen.
  18. It isn't really him. This is an impostor. The real Crayonz is in jail: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hV1OvQL...7f5OXwD94CAO780
  19. At first, it was the OLine not giving Trent enough time and not opening up the running game. However, the last two games they have been playing at a higher level, but Trent is now playing like he is still getting the same pressure. He should never have looked so nervous with all the time that he had to pass, with the way we were running the ball, and with the way that he could check down at will and still get nice gains out of it with Marshawn. The situation was perfect for him to have a big game, and he blew it.
  20. I was pretty impressed with him on Monday, too. It seemed like he was able to get open downfield better than Roscoe or Lee, but that could be a product of nobody knowing who he is. I'm hoping that they stick with him at #2 and use Hardy as more of a situational receiver as the season progresses. It'll make him that much better next year.
  21. I was at the game, and DVR'ed it and watched it again last night (for some reason), and I was amazed at how close we came to winning that game at the end. 1) Corner barely missing the sack on Quinn that would have put them out of FG range 2) McKelvin barely missing the int (although I agree with the majority that it was a tough catch for any corner to make, much less a rookie at the end of a close game). 3) of course, the missed FG by Lindell All happened in the last few minutes of the game and all were a few inches off from totally changing the outcome.
  22. By season end, I'm guessing that the only one worthy of starting the pro bowl will be our rookie McKelvin for returns. I have a feeling that he'll be leading the league. So far, first in yards, second in average, and he's just starting to figure it out now. I'd love to see Stroud make it as well.
  23. we have a full blown meltdown on our hands and our season is just about in the toilet and we're talking about avatars?!?
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