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Captain Quint

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Posts posted by Captain Quint

  1. Actually, I'd call that irrelevant.


    And, we don't know that he actually considered suicide.


    Its true that we don't know for sure what he was thinking, but mentioning it several times to your therapist, as you drive away from your house with a gun is a pretty telling sign that it did at least cross his mind. But you're right that this wouldn't have any bearing on if he's a winner in the NFL or not. I just threw it in there.


    Wanting to quit football is another story. Who wants someone on their team who doesn't want to be there? Especially at the NFL level.


    Like I said before, if he can overcome turnovers, his personal problems, and his inaccuracy, then he might make it as a QB in the NFL. But he hasn't proven anything so far other than that they drafted him too high.

  2. I liek winning too. That's why I could care less how many tds a QB throws.


    The guy wanted to kill himself and quit football 6 months ago. You call that a winner? I disagree with the poster that he's a draft bust, but he certainly isn't a solid QB and he hasn't played up to the level of the 3rd overall pick. That doesn't necessarily make him an all out bust, but he's not off to a very strong start in his career.


    If he can overcome all the turnovers, his personal problems, and his inaccuracy, then he may be able to make it, but the people who think that he has some sort of all world talent or is a proven winner are mistaken.

  3. He was a pro bowler because idiot fans voted him in. He never looked like a man amongst boys, except for maybe against the Bills. :wallbash: Once in a generation talent? That there is a SERIOUS statement. You're basically saying he is the most physically talented player in the NFL right now, and probably of the decade. No way.


    22 TDs and 32 INTs in his career. A career passer rating of 68.8. Career completion percentage of 57. All of those stats are just horrendous.


    Just to add to that, he also has 10 rushing TD's, but has 11 fumbles to go along with them.

  4. By the end of 2006 and for parts of 2007, he literally looked like a man amongst boys.


    I don't think so at all:


    Passing Stats


    2006 TEN 15 184 357 51.5 2199 6.2 12 53 13 66.7

    2007 TEN 15 238 382 62.3 2546 6.7 9 73 17 71.1

    2008 TEN 3 22 36 61.1 219 6.1 1 54 2 64.5

    Career 33 444 775 57.3 4964 6.4 22 73 32 68.8


    Rushing Stats


    2006 TEN 15 83 552 6.7 39 7 31 6 2

    2007 TEN 15 93 395 4.2 21 3 24 5 1

    2008 TEN 3 8 27 3.4 8 0 0 0 0

    Career 33 184 974 5.3 39 10 55 11 3

  5. certainly possible. We wouldn't want him to get into his last year of his contract. The dude is going into his 4th year, is a team captain and leader, and is only 23 years old!


    I always forget how young that he is. This will probably be a good year for the Bills to redo his contract, because honestly, his stock can probably only go up from here.

  6. Amazing how consistant people are here. The first reaction is to criticize the validity of the idea. It doens't matter if he has the money or not, the point is that it makes a lot of sense economically and for the viability of keeping a Bills team here in Western New York. Let's be real here, $$ makes the world go round, and building a bigger fan base then what we have is very important in keeping a Bills team here near Buffalo. The idea of connecting more with the Canadian fan base is most likely the key stimulus that the Bills need to stay. It makes a lot more sense to me that Canadians will feel more connection with a team based out of Niagara Falls, than as opposed to a team that has it's roots to Buffalo. The idea of winning Toronto fans to root for the Buffalo Bills will have a limited impact. Where as if you start a new team, that is located closer to Toronto, and has a Canadian Tie to it 'NIAGARA FALLS' will have a much better chance of winning those fans over.


    I mean give me a friggin break! you are criticizing some one who is trying to think of ideas of how to keep the Bills in Western New York.




    Well, this isn't a new idea. In fact, since the whole Toronto thing started, this has been one of the options that has been talked about regularly by everyone. The problem that I have, is that anyone of us can make a website and print up some TShirts.


    Give me some real details on who this guy is, what makes him qualified to plan a project of this size, and does he have a real plan beyond the fluff on his website and this ambiguous article. Basically, what separates this guy from everyone else who has 'ideas' to keep the Bills here?

  7. I put $100 into a numbers pool, and my halftime numbers were 7 & 7.... I sat in stunned silence when I saw the int return for a TD, then the review, and it was upheld to put the game at 17-7. That is the only time that I can remember ever winning on one of those types of pools.


    Payout for the halftime numbers was $3K.


    End game payout was $6K, and I almost hit on that one, too. Final score was 27-23 and I had 3 & 0 for the final! If Pitt hadn't scored at all, I would have won $9K total.

  8. Its because you hear about it. Many other people have the same problems,but its not covered on ESPN.


    I think this is probably the correct answer. These things happen all over the place, but nobody hears about them. Actually, I'm more shocked when I talk to somebody who I've known for some time and find out that they have an autistic child or had a child die at a young age.

  9. He wanted a good chunk of change and was on the wrong side of 30....who knew he would continue to perform at a high level. Hard to fault the Bills on that one.


    Exactly. Somebody who is that old and undersized has all of the odds against him. I'm glad that he's still doing well because I always liked him when he was here. He kept his mouth shut, ran a good defense, and tackled everyone who was near him.

  10. ?? Isn't the 'Q' in the San Deigo city limits? I think it's less than 10 miles from down town San Deigo.


    Yes, it's right in SD. The only alternative for something in the middle would be Carlsbad, Oceanside, Escondido, or someplace north of Camp Pendleton like San Clemente or Huntington Beach. Those are all small market towns that couldn't handle a stadium or its amenities.


    Their best move is to market to businesses surrounding LA to lure them away from the Raiders & Niners, which shouldn't be too hard.

  11. Well, hopefully, the Bills aren't so married to a scheme that they'll lose out on top talent. If this guy is the top talent available w/ the pick, they should by all means make the pick. We got rid of those "big, slow, and fat guys" like Pat Williams in order to make our defense more svelte and quick. Has it worked thus far?


    Thats kind of why I would love to see them pick him up. It goes against what hasn't been working. Don't get me wrong, if Orapko or Brown is still there with Raji, I'd be happy with any of them.


    I wouldn't expect Raji to have 10 sacks this year, but I think that a big, agile run stuffer playing next to Stroud (who commands a double team on most plays) is a good combination for any defense.

  12. He was an offensive line coach. However, he did look just like Fat Bastard, if that counts for anything. Apparently he's a "volunteer" assistant coach with Southern Illinois University, whatever that means.


    I think that means that he's probably too big of a fat drunk to actually be hired anywhere anymore, so he just volunteers where he can and shows up at the campus parties with his own bottle of liquor.

  13. Of course the Bills should be looking at all possibilities, connection or no connection. But, in reality, these jobs often (usually?) go to a guy with some connection to the HC or coordinator. I think K-gun was simply talking about the most likely route, the Bills would take.


    Very true. In fact, one of my friends as we speak is going down to interview for a position with the Bucs new coach because he used to coach Morris in college. He's never coached in the NFL, only NCAA, but apparently Morris liked his style and likes him personally as well, so he wants to at least bring him in.


    If you look at most NFL coaches, you can usually find ties to the subordinate coaches, especially at the D Line, O Line, WR, QB, & QC levels.

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