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Posts posted by timba

  1. There are three O line configurations that I could see the Bills moving to (assuming they sign Incognito and everybody else gets healthy).


    Situation 1:

    LT - FA/Draft Pick

    LG - Levitre

    C - Wood

    RG - Incognito

    RT - Butler


    Wood is moved over to his college position, Levitre can continue to grow into as a guard, and Incognito brings the nasty. We get some depth as Hangman would be moving to C, G backup. The questions would be 'Can Butler stay healthy?' 'What are we getting to address the LT position?'


    Situation 2:

    LT - FA/Draft Pick

    LG - Levitre

    C - Hangman

    RG - Wood

    RT - Butler


    This situation would be about maintaining stability in the middle of the line and building out from there. Incognito would be coming off the bench as a backup. Still have the question marks with Butler and at LT.


    Situation 3:


    LT - FA/Draft Pick

    LG - Incognito

    C - Hangman

    RG - Wood

    RT - Levitre


    We could still maintain some consistency in the center of the line with wood, hangman, and incognito. Levitre got some reps at T this year and didn't seem like he was overmatched. An offseason of reps will do wonders for Levitre as during the season he just stepped in and was solid. We would be removing having to rely on Butler and allow him to come off the bench (less of a chance for him to get hurt) where he now has experience to play G, T. The question would remain about the LT position but we'd be down to one.

  2. Assuming 5 is average, I'd give him a 4. This wasn't a really good performance. He looked like a player getting his first start. He does look like he has some talent that can be developed.


    On one hand he was looking off the defense to get a couple guys open, but on the other he missed a couple open guys today. He did show some pocket presence and didn't get rattled from taking a few hits.


    Let's see what he can do behind a healthy line.

  3. Exactly.


    The guy is open most of the time, including on the deep pass that was intercepted. He has no chance. The Bills are playing with their 3rd string QB and 50th string OL.


    People are criticizing him for not breaking up passes? Are you kidding me? He is a receiver not a DB. His job is to get open and he is open most of the time. He is frankly a guy that the Bills should think about resigning, unless you want to see Hardy as the #2 receiver... Unfortunately, TO will leave a smoke trail out of Buffalo when the season is over. I'm sure that he wants no more of this.


    Actually, the criticism is for him not trying to break it up. That IS part of a WR's responsibility. If the WR can't catch it, make sure it's not a turnover. Basics....

  4. 1) Fred Jackson would be a star running back on a team with blocking.

    He's been the best player on the team all year. He did get the ball stripped once today, but I stand by my original comment


    2) Tasker said that Incog wants to be here. I'm not saying he is great; I'm not even sure how good he is but he is self proclaimed, "blue collar" and I would keep him. There, I said it.

    He hasn't given me a reason to complain since we've got him. He goes out and does his job. Lets keep him.


    3) OMG do we need linebackers!!!!!!

    Very, very badly


    4) It's official. Andy Levitre is our best blocker. He was a GREAT selection. I openly admit that I would have been fine with him at #28. Right R.Rich? :worthy:

    One of the few pleasures this season has been watching Wood and Levitre develop.


    5) I think that everybody respects Poz except posters on this board. PS: The kid can play.

    As a fan it's only natural to look at the faults and what can be improved. Yeah I guess we're overly critical. He had a solid game today. I'd still like to see him shed those big O-Lineman more consistently.


    6) From today on, anybody who blasts Schobel should do so knowing that you are a fool, who knows s--t about football.

    Schobel had a very good game today. He had that LT's number.


    7) I like Fewell; I feel sorry for Fewell but he needs to go. The team simply needs a Jauron exorcism. Me and Bills Vet will act as Father Karras and Father Marin if need be.

    It IS nice to see a guy genuinely enthusiastic coaching the team and he does deserve a true shot (not inheriting a team with double digit players on IR)... just not with the Bills


    8) Congrats to TO for reaching a very impressive milestone.

    He has had an extremely productive career. I wonder what those numbers would be if he'd actually put forth an effort each play he's on the field.


    9) More on Schobel.....10 sacks? This on a team that ranks # 32 against the run. He is a hell of a player and yes, he is worth every cent of his salary.

    I'm not ready for him to retire, and I hope this game convinced him of the same.


    10) Marshawn whiffed on a crucial 3rd down block and dropped yet another pass in the 2nd quarter. Let the exorcism continue. Not that we could get one for him, but I would jump all over a 3rd round pick. Or even a 4th.

    He definitely hasn't found a groove being a #2 back. It's a real shame. I enjoyed watching him drag people all over the field.


    11) Brohm? He looked OK. He reminds me of a pre-getting his ba!!s kicked in Trent.

    He took his share of hits today but didn't seem to let it get to him. He kept coming out throwing. I hope he starts again next week just to see if he continues to develop.


    12) Happy Holidays and God bless all.


    13. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I agree. On the interception in the endzone, he had a step on the d-back. How was he supposed to break it up while anticpating the ball hitting him in stride? I think anyone who expected him top break that up must think he's a contortionist.


    He was watching the ball fall short... I expect his 6.5 million dollar butt to adjust and make a play. I don't care HOW crappy the team around him his. For that kind of money he better go 100% every single play he's on the field.

  6. The officiating was terrible. Welker deserves an Oscar nomination for the "interference" call in the end zone. Holding not called, on Light, I believe. They did the replay several times to a chorus of boos.


    Hey NFL, make it official:


    -Give the patriots 5 downs on offense

    -Give patriots opponents 3 downs on offense

    -Penalize anyone who gets within 5 yards of Welker when he is catching the ball

    -15 yards and an ejection to a defender who hits Brady below the shoulders

    -Moss only needs one foot down with "questionable control" to make a catch in the end zone

    -Give "creative license" to the patriots coaching staff to make independent films

    -Let the Kraft family issue the guys in stripes a W-2


    The refs are independent, right... BALONEY!


    I was so pissed at the commentators for making a big deal out of that Schobel hit on Brady. How DARE he fall towards the mighty ones legs when he had his own taken out from under him.

  7. This argument keeps getting back to TE, you guys want to start a thread and complain about TE then do so, its got nothing to with this silly notion a good QB is going to make a bad O-line good because he's not.


    Would you accept that some could successfully work around bad o-line play as opposed to making them good?

  8. No disrespect dude, but if what you're saying is true, then how does an offensive line like New England's allow 49 sacks with Matt Cassel sandwiched between seasons allowing 21 sacks and (currently) 12 sacks with Tom Brady, without any discernable changes in personnel or coaching (aside from the fact that they've had to start a rookie 2nd round pick at LT after their pro bowl LT got injured)?


    Also, regarding Ryan: Atlanta's offensive line allowed 47 sacks in 2007--the season before Ryan arrived (tied for 7th most in the league)--and the team ranked 26th in rushing. They addressed QB first, then traded back into the first round to draft a LT (the only O-lineman they selected that year--they also did not sign any free agent O-linemen). Obviously, they felt like the QB was the greater priority. And they were right. It's easier to fathom, in my opinion, that the QB made the greater difference in their offense performing significantly better in 2008 than the one offensive lineman they drafted (who started only 5 games his rookie year).


    You're talking about going from Tom Brady to Matt Cassel. There is definitely a difference in talent there. Sacks are a result of everybody in the offense, not just the line. It shouldn't be the only stat examined when evaluating how effective a line is. The real question is would a better line make Brady better?


    In regards to Matt Ryan, yes he was picked first, but they didn't bring him in without also getting their line up to snuff (by drafting a LT) and also bringing in Michael Turner.

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