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Posts posted by timba

  1. Yeah, no.


    The Bills got the ball back at the 20 with 30 seconds left and ZERO timeouts. All of the bolded things did happen, which was a minor miracle, and EVEN THEN, with all that going according to plan, were the Bills left with an impossible situation.


    Convert 4th and 10, have the ball on say the 15 yard line with 2 timeouts and 1:40 left, needing a FIELD GOAL to tie. Compare that with the series of events that needed to happen to get the Bills the ball at the 20 with 30 seconds left and no timeouts needing a TOUCHDOWN.


    Certainly completing one 10 yard pass can't be harder than all that other junk PLUS the extra difficulty of going 80 yards in 30 seconds with no timeouts.


    Think man, think


    Edit: Also, if the Bills were able to go down that field and score that miraculous touchdown that'd make Chan a genius, how could you think that they WOULDN'T have been able to convert one 10 yard pass, and move into field goal range with 1:40 and 2 timeouts? Certainly if Chan thought they were explosive enough to go 80 yards in 30 seconds with no timeouts, it'd be a piece of cake to complete a single 10 yard pass, and methodically move into field goal range with 1:40 and 2 timeouts.


    No problem. We miss on 4th and 10 and we have approximately zero chance of stopping them from going several inches and making it a two score game. There was nothing that happened in the three plays previous to that fourth down that says they would get that first. Getting the offense back on the sideline and trying to regroup for one more shot was the best thing they could have done. To me the choice was between giving two points or seven points.

  2. I went through the offensive plays from the first half and took down notes.


    FROM BUF 25

    1-10 Shotgun, Spiller and Jackson in backfield, Spiller motions left, Screen Pass to Jackson on left, Incomplete, No issues with the blocking, hard throw behind Freddy but could have been caught


    2-10 Shotgun, Spiller in backfield, Trips right, Incomplete pass, batted down, Wood got pushed back to Edwards and it was his guy who got his hand up


    3-10 Shotgun, Spiller in backfield, DE and 2 LB's line up outside of Bell - Bell moves to get the inside of the 2 LB's who then stunted inside, Levitre picked up the DE, OLB goes free and sacks Edwards


    FROM BUF 20

    1-10 Shotgun, Spiller and Jackson in backfield, Run by Spiller for 6yds, starts off following Freddy to the right but cuts back into the lane behind Bell - The line was not getting any movement in the area the play was supposed to go


    2-4 Spiller and McIntyre in backfield, Stupar lined up on the right of Green, Run by Spiller for 2yds, Right side run that would have been a big gain if not for a shoestring tackle, Wood went to the second level and got rid of a linebacker, Green got beat to the inside on the downblock on the DT


    3-2 Shotgun, Spiller in backfield, Roscoe motions left, Edwards complete to D. Nelson 3yds, Miami blitzes 6, we have 5 to block, the line stopped everybody who they contacted, which was 5 of the 6 rushers


    1-10 Spiller and McIntyre in backfield, Stupar lined up left, Run by Spiller for 2yds, MIA with 8 in the box (vs 7 blockers), Line gets some push, nobody gets beat but the extra man filled the lane


    2-8 Shotgun, Spiller behind Edwards, Stupar motions into the backfield, screen left to Spiller for -4yds, Bell got pushed back to Edwards, Green was beat on the back side, Levitre gets downfield but misses a block on a LB, Wood and Hangartner are slower to pull and not in position to block downfield


    3-12 Shotgun, Spiller in backfield, 3 man rush, Edwards to Evans for 2 yds, Evans was on a drag at basically the LOS, ball was out at 3s but there was no pressure


    FROM BUF 15

    1-10 Shotgun, Spiller and Jackson in backfield, Johnson motions in from the right, pitch right to Spiller 2yds, should have been a big play, Green was unable to make a block on the LB and then Wood missed the block on the same guy


    2-8 Shotgun, Spiller and Jackson in backfield, Edwards to Spiller for 6yds, Spiller and Jackson cross in front of Edwards, the play action is to Jackson, dump off to spiller on the right, Wood and Hangartner double a DT, Green down blocks the second leaving the DE free and he didn't bite on the play action for more than a split second, Edwards was forced to dump it quick


    3-2 Shotgun, Empty backfield, Edwards to Parrish incomplete, Stupar stays in to block, delayed blitz picked up, ball was out at 2s, Line held up, ball was overthrown



    FROM BUF 40

    1-10 Shotgun, Lynch and Jackson in backfield, S. Johnson motions into the backfield, Run by Lynch -1yd, 8 in the box (within 3yds of the LOS at snap), 7 blockers, the unblocked guy meets Lynch in the backfield 2yds behind LOS, Hangartner got beat and his guy helped with the tackle


    2-11 Lynch and McIntyre in backfield, Lynch motions out left, Edwards to Johnson for 8yds, ball out at 2s, delayed blitz was coming between 2 cuts blocks and Greens cut block was jumped over


    3-3 Shotgun, Jackson in the backfield, Run by Jackson 15yds, Stupar motions left to make trips left, 7 in the box, counter right, Levitre and Stupar pull, Levitre picks up the DE, Stupar picks up a LB, Green gets to a LB, Wood picks up a DT, Evans had a good downfield block


    1-10 Shotgun, Lynch and McIntyre in backfield, Run by Lynch for 15yds, 7 in the box, Bell gets beat inside by DT, Lynch cut it back outside of Bell for the big gain


    1-10 Lynch and McIntyre in backfield, Run by Lynch for -1yd, 7 in the box, Bell gets pushed back and then beat inside, forces Lynch back to the right and outside of Stupars block who shed and made the tackle


    2-11 Lynch and Jackson in the backfield, Run by Jackson for 2yds, 7 in the box, the DE wasn't fooled by the action to Lynch which made it 6 blockers on 7, S. Johnson didn't get downfield to block the CB who came up into the hole Jackson went into


    3-9 Shotgun, Jackson in backfield, Jackson motions slot right, Edwards Sacked, 4 man rush, Green gets beat on the outside, Sack at 2.5s


    FROM BUF 36 ( :16 left in half)

    1-10 Shotgun, Spiller in backfield, Edwards screen right to Spiller incomplete, deflected at the line ( :12)


    2-10 Shotgun, Jackson in backfield, Edwards to Johnson 19yds, 4 man rush, Pass thrown at 5.5s, flushed out of the pocket at 3.5s, threw a 'lob pass' that took over a second to land, Johnson went down with 1s left at the MIA 45

  3. What seems to be lost in the discussion is that the defense did their part in this decision. They got the ball back into the Bills' hands as quickly as possible. The ultimate factor in whether or not any strategy was going to be successful was whether or not the offense could get it done. They ran 7 plays in those last 2 minutes and gained what, about 6 yards? That clearly wasn't going to get it done. Whether or not people agree with this decision, it had absolutely no impact on the results of the game (unless you're a betting man).


    This is the important thing with this situation. Our defense was playing much better than our offense in this game. We ended up gaining field position while only giving up two points instead of most likely giving up three or seven if they had gone for it. There was about half a minute left for that final possession, and it was wasted by the offense.

  4. given the number of yahoos showing up on this site, i'm starting to question its relevance. call me cynical, though.




    Just gotta wade through the BS.


    I don't envy you of the task of being a fan and then writing objectively.


    At this point, saying that the bills are a playoff team is just as foolish as saying that they are going 1-15. It's difficult to know what to expect, especially when you get a change in regime. However, paying attention to what has changed this offseason vs last year gives the indication that there is change for the better going on. When there are analysts saying that this team will be awful because they didn't draft a QB or T in round 1, I get the feeling that they've been ignoring the happenings since then. I can't blame them as the bills haven't been significant in a decade, but that also means they aren't entirely qualified for providing their analysis.

  5. Spiller was a marketing pick for fans that have suffered through three 7-9 seasons followed by a 6-10 record last year. Is was excitement pick or something to make the drive to Orchard Park a little easier. That's fine and maybe we will draft a QB next year, but unless whoever is at QB has some protection, we will likely not see much improved play. With injuries and inexperience, the Bills OL could sure use some help.


    You gotta be joking with this. You don't go with a first round pick for marketing, that's what free agency is for. That's what bringing in T.O. was.

  6. I'll admit it. This thread is a bit negative but I think it's necessary.


    The lack of accountability that people have for their stated positions and their crusades is truly amazing.


    Recall the clamor and hysteria of some of the posters here as we got closer to cut down day. The din was deafening. At one time two weeks ago, we had 5 different threads about the quarterback situation on page one alone.


    Lots of our members were just totally adamant AND VOCAL about what they thought was going to happen/what they wanted to have happen to the Bills roster (the two often get confused in some people's minds).


    Those same people are conspicuous by their silence now…especially on matters such as which quarterbacks would made the roster.


    So who said what and where are those people now?


    I remember more than a few guarantees that Kawika Mitchell was going to get cut. Ditto for Chris Kelsay.


    Where are all those folks who were positive that Levi Brown was gonna be kept as the third quarterback and not waived?


    Where are all the Brian Brohm haters? The Fitzy haters?


    Now's the time to confess to the error of your ways. The truth will liberate you!


    Man up and be accountable for your opinions.


    Or quietly close out of this thread and pretend you didn't read it.


    lol! this is pretty ridiculous I have to say. I still stand my opinions on who should have been kept and who should have gone. I hope I'm proven wrong in those opinions, but until I see some results they will stay the same.

  7. I think most (if not all) local preseason announcing teams are asswipe homers.


    The worst of the homer announcers from this preseason HAVE to be the Eagles announcers. I honestly don't know who they are but I tried to watch a couple games and ended up having to mute it. There was one guy in particular... I just wanted to cram a pile of rocks down his gullet.


    Tasker definitely made some goofs, and really hasn't been all that good up in the booth. I think he's a solid sideline reporter though.

  8. Just heard that Big Ben will probably only miss 4 games this year. HUH? Compare Mike Vick's suspension to Ben R's suspension. When you do the comparison something doesn't add up. Big Ben should have been suspended from the league for at least a year, or maybe more. There is no excuse for rape or killing dogs. Both men should be out of the league.


    Your thoughts?


    I hate the idea of getting any suspension reduced. It's reduced for good behavior? What the hell?! You're SUPPOSED act civil and be a decent person. You don't get rewarded for it. You do it because it's the decent thing to do. Full suspension and pay your dues...

  9. I totally don't get the Jet love.


    At QB they have Sanchez. 12 TDs 20 INTs last year. So far this preseason the offense hasn't scored more than 16 points in a game. In the three games Sanchez has thrown 2 TDs and 2 Ints. While I do see him having potential I have serious doubts that they will be manifested until towards the end of the season.


    At RB they expect Shonn Greene to step up. Yeah, the guy had a good 5.0 ypc, but in his 108 attempts he had 3 fumbles (not to mention he was running behind the Thomas Jones workhorse). Speaking of Thomas Jones, his numbers have improved each year in the last three years:


    2007: 1119 yds 3.6 ypc 1 tds 2fum

    2008: 1312 yds 4.5 ypc 13 tds 2fum

    2009: 1402 yds 4.2 ypc 14 tds 2fum


    with Tomlinson, whose performance has drop since his monster year in 2006.


    2007: 1474 yds 4.7 ypc 15 tds 0fum

    2008: 1110 yds 3.8 ypc 11 tds 1fum

    2009: 730yds 3.3 ypc 12tds 2fum


    They start off the season with their best WR out through week 4. They still haven't signed Revis on D. I give it to them that the defense is still VERY good, but without marked improvement from Sanchez I don't see how they are any better off than last year. Last year when they were gifted a playoff birth.

  10. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=5516884

    First off, must you wear your "bling" to practice or even in a game? I remember in High School we were not allowed to wear anything at all! This guy is wearing an earing to practice that is worth more than many households annual income. What a d-bag and I am glad he lost it. I just can't resist the LOLz.





    Yeah... that may not have been football.


    I totally laughed when I heard about the earring. Stupid Miami player. With your money. And fancy earri-wait nevermind that last part.

  11. Haven't heard much more about this 6th rounder out of James Madison University since draft day. There was a lot of enthusiasm about this kid at the time. Who here can provide us an update? Thanks


    He was a step behind and kind of lost on a lot of plays vs the Skins. He's been improving in each preseason game, but is still showing to be weak in coverage. He was a DE in college and is converting to an inside linebacker, and that's kind of a big change. He sheds blocks well, but you would kind of expect that from a former d-lineman. The dude can definitely hit, and once he catches up and is just reacting instead of thinking and reacting I expect him to be a solid player.

  12. Who is Dwan Edwards?


    The free agent DE we picked up. Former Raven I believe. He had a brief interview on the sidelines during the Redskins game.




    Bills sign DE/DT Dwan Edwards: 4 years, $18 million

    I really like this signing. Dwan Edwards came on last year and was a force against the run for the Ravens. He'll help the Bills transition into their new 3-4 defense.



  13. I totally agree with everything you just said...for it to work though we need one of our QB's be able to step up and be solid in executing Chans offense. They will need to throw crisp, decisive, quick passes...and right now, Trent seems to be the front runner and I dont have a lot of faith he can execute that consistently.


    You did mention that long pass which has been a hop topic around here. Thats the problem I am having in fully buying in right now, as I dont see that long pass as a thing to come as much as it was a relatively easy throw to a wide open WR on broken coverage. Somehow that one pass has made some people forget the rest of his preseason and I just dont get it.


    This is Trents performance the entire preseason...not exactly exciting.


    11 of 20 (55%) for 151 yards (7.55 yds/att), 1 TD, 1 INT = QB rating of 75.2


    Now look at what happens if you take out the one bomb:


    10 of 19 (52%) for 81 yards (4.26 yds/att), 0 TDs, 1 Int = QB rating of 41.78


    Sadly, he should have had another INT which would have been a pick 6 if the DB didnt drop it on the 2nd series of the Indy game. His QB rating would be 56.45 on the preseason if the DB doesnt drop it...doesnt exactly build a lot of confidence for me.


    So while the one bomb was a great throw, the reality is he hasnt been very good as a whole this preseason and that concerns me a lot more than the one bomb has given me hope. For me, beyond the stats, he just hasnt looked very poised, decisive or confident much this preseason either. He has made a couple of nice throws but also made a lot of bad ones and bad decisions.


    The good news is that Chan has good history with QBs, so I hope he can mold one of ours to be effective in his offense. If he does, this offense could be dangerous, but only if he can turn Trent around or develop Brohm.


    Just curious about what happens to his rating if he doesn't have the pick six? I don't know how to calculate it otherwise I would.


    EDIT: Just decided to look up a calculator.

    11 of 19 (57.89%) for 151 yards (7.94 yds/att), 1 TD, 0 INT = QB rating of 100.9

  14. oh man, where to begin...


    running- play calling is as important as execution. if the defense is cheating one way, audible the run to the other side. if the d is stacking the box, audible to a quick pass or a screen. lastly: WAIT FOR YOUR BLOCKS! this is more intuitive now that there is no speed burst. the bills line sucks so try to use our better players to your advantage. run counters and follow levitre or wood. our interior is stronger than the tackles - duh - so call some inside runs and then bounce them outside with spiller. he's fast so once you hit the edge, you're gone.


    instead of leaning on the sticks, try flicking them. the running backwards after breaking a tackle just happens sometimes, nothing you can really do except try to roll with it and reverse fields if possible.


    and on another note... online play is where it's at. i'm flapezoid on ps3. come get some. also any serious players interested in joining online franchise(s) let me know. there's a fantasy draft this friday with a few spots open.


    I'm a big fan of the lead toss pitch and motioning the second TE over to the play side. I'm also a big fan of the Power-O plays and counters. Get those guards'a movin'!


    Spiller is definitely a quick one. Looks like Chris Johnson the way he cuts through the hole. I find that once I turn it onto all madden all of the (bills) receivers stop catching the ball. That kind of annoys me. I should try it online.

  15. Do they offer any discount on the regular season package?


    Also, do you get all of the preseason games archived? If so, for how long?


    No discount for the regular season as of yet, but if they do start offering one when the season gets closer I'll give you an update.


    All games are eventually viewable. Games that are being broadcasted on TV (Fox and CBS) are blacked out until the next day and then can be viewed. There isn't an expiration on the games. I can still go back to the hall of fame fame if I were so inclined. They cut out the commercial breaks when you watch the replays, and I totally dig that. Up to 4 games can be seen at a time, but really it's a bit much when you have that many going.

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