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Everything posted by eliteqb

  1. 4. Do a 180 and run right into the tackler, then fumble
  2. Makes a lot of sense
  3. [quote name='DIE HARD 1967' date='Dec 16 20I have given up on "Wait till next year" only If you were a real fan, you would have flown in from Vietnam on the weekends (lol) They wouldn't let me....
  4. I think the guy that sacked JP would have been in position to stop a left sweep and turn the play back into the pile of 19 players clogging the area between the hash marks...
  5. Are we now saying Trent Edwards = Timmy Connolly without talent???????
  6. Yeah, I've been a fan since the first game in 1960 at age 15. While you were chasing after the team in the late 60's, I was in Vietnam with the marines. I'm not giving up on the bills yet. Its only a game......Unfortunately, they're the only pro football team in town. Go root for another team if you have to...
  7. Are we saying Trent Edwards = Timmy Connolly?????
  8. After calming down and trying to decipher what happened on that fumble play, I conclude that Jauron was in a catch 22 situation. No matter what he calls, he gets blamed. If he runs twice and loses, we criticize him for being way too conservative and coaching not to lose. If he tries to be aggressive, he gets criticized for not calling running plays. The bottom line is that he put his trust in a player that cannot produce. With 9 men in the box, the jets were playing run defense 100 percent and admitted so. There is no sense in running into a goalline defense at that point in time. What to do? A pitch out wouldn't have worked either as the Jets were storming from the end positions. The safest pass play in the book is a rollout with a short pass to the tight end or running back which should be wide open and game over. If the play gets blown up or the receiver is covered, then you merely throw the ball away. Pretty simple concept if you have the players to run the play safely. Unfortunately we don't and thats not Jauron's fault...The play was killed by an incompetent quarterback. I can blane Jauron for many other things, but not for this play...
  9. Let me get this straight, you'd rather spend time with your kids? What are you some sort of a nut?
  10. ...along with a Mike Williams jersey....
  11. I'm all done with the moaning and complaining that I've done since last Sunday. I love the Bills and Jauron and Ralph. Only about 19 hours to kickoff!! Lets go Bealls, lets go Bealls, bu bu bu bu Buffalo Bealls...yea!!!
  12. I had a nightmare that Parcells picked him up, put him in the right system and he kicks our butt twice per year for the next 15 years. Kill me now....
  13. Wow - gonna be hard to top that. So sorry for you...
  14. Let's stop mincing words here....
  15. I'm not saying he's dumb or can't talk properly. What turned me off was my own perception of his attitude. Like he was going to say something and you better listen or I won't talk to you again. I might be wrong but that was my initial impression when the piece began.......
  16. Absolutely...... End of this discussion and thread. Now someone needs to start a thread with the pic of a pretty girl....
  17. They did it to regionalize the team to Southern Ontario because the Buffalo economy stinks. But guess what, the current national economy is going to affect the whole league now. Advertising dollars will be shrinking and will affect the money going to all of the NFL teams. I don't think we'll be seeing gigantic contracts in the near future as revenues are shrinking. Even the NFL offices had to lay off people. Won't see team values escalating nor movement of franchises now. It had to happen and I think its here now....
  18. I tried to watch but could only get through a couple of his opening statements...Just play ball Marshawn, that's what you do best...
  19. I always stop/slow down and rubberneck at accident scenes. Must be I have morbid curiosity. So, I'll be watching this train wreck to see how bad it gets..
  20. The last time I saw him on TV he was wearing a headset. Let's get him when he's available.. Get'r done Brandi...
  21. Sorry, if Jauron wants to do it, it must be the wrong thing to do. Deal with it...
  22. Bobby frikken April.....
  23. They're considering putting him on IR....
  24. Jauron deferred your call to tomorrow....
  25. ok, i'll bite...what did she wear on the seventh day???
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