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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Dwight wouldn't look for help. He would do it himself.
  2. So why did Alpert when visiting Locke as a child, say he "wasn't special" after Locke chose the knife?
  3. Why doesn't he age?!
  4. That's an assinine statement that completely ignores common sense.
  5. I'm gonna go with my instincts on this one.... True.
  6. Vince Gill from hee haw?
  7. Season 5 is in the books! Only one more season left... Spoiler Alert! This thread contains discussions about occurences and revelations in Season 5. If you are not caught up to Season 5, I highly urge you not to continue reading and to exit this thread now and go get caught up via DVD or whatever illegal practices you feel necessary. Namaste... and GOOD LUCK!
  8. It wasn't an argument, just a mere point. Yeah, Drew's a great business man. But his tactics are ruining the game. Yeah he makes his clients a lot of money, but how does that in any way help the Bills? The Pam thing was an analogy, most analogies don't have anything related to the topic at hand, but contain a moral sublimenal message. Like comparing Anquan to Pam Anderson. I thought maybe I could use a simpler example since you don't see the logic. Guess not. I can go with a rotten fruit or desert mirage next time. At any rate, Anquan can come up with any spin he wants, but the fact is, he walked out on his team when they were handed a ticket to the Super Bowl. Instead he should be thanking his lucky stars that Arizona took a chance with him after his 4.7 40 time at the combine. And that they were the ones who spent $$ on his rehab after the Jets game.
  9. Judging by Ralph's quotes in the press release, he's only looking to the draft to improve the team. What do you all think? Will he actually make a run at some decent OL FA's this year?
  10. No, you're right. I'd much rather have Boldin, who's repped by the same agent as Owens, the same agent who consistently tells his clients to sit out and forget about the team and make it about them. The same agent who tricked the Bills into drafting Willis McGahee. The same agent who would love a media circus around his players like Owens in Philly so it builds up his name and he can cash more checks. Boldin opposite of Evans would be perfect, so when he's double teamed, and Evans catches a TD to take us to the Super Bowl, he can be non-excited for Buffalo's Super Bowl chance just like he's not excited for Arizona's first crack at one. Pamela Anderson is one of the hottest women on the planet, but that doesn't mean I would sleep with her. I mean, hepatitis can bring a man down.
  11. Of course the Cards aren't talking about it. They want it to die as soon as possible. Either way, he walked off the field when his team was being handed a ticket to the Super Bowl. It's definitely not about him AT ALL... I'm just dying for him to come to Buffalo with that attitude. Oh brother...
  12. Yeah the "Next question" response really makes me side with him. Oh brother....
  13. Mike Goff. While the Chargers would probably prefer to keep Goff, they've been effective in drafting and developing linemen and might look for Goff’s replacement at a better price. Goff has been a leader who simply goes about his business and players LT have benefited from his level of play. Goff has played for a quality line for some time and he’s a big part of the equation when it comes to success. He's 32, has stayed healthy his entire career, and Buffalo's O-line average age is 26. He could provide some valuable leadership, something Jason Peters seems to lack at the moment, and something we desperately need.
  14. Woo hoo! http://www.billsdaily.com/news/index.shtml#011909
  15. Pittsburgh probably let Donahoe go for a reason... I don't think Mularkey was the real problem in Buffalo, I think it was all Donahoe. I think he went from an ESPN chat room to GM and got on a huge power trip. Didn't work well with his coaches.
  16. His agent is the one and only Drew Rosenhaus. Who also happens to rep Owens.
  17. Great owner. And I'm a Cubs fan, so I'm hoping he buys the Cubs... I doubt he'd keep the Bills in Buffalo.
  18. Is it bad that all I saw was a multiple page thread started by SKOOBY and just had to read it?
  19. Terrence McGee.
  20. Rachel Nichols and Erin Andrews should be on Baywatch
  21. If you haven't realized by now, it doesn't matter who's coaching the Bills, it's the front office bringing us down. Bill Belicheck could be cheating for us and we would still lose because of our front office.
  22. I've gone from Northland cable (the worst) in college, to Time Warner, to Comcast, and now to DirecTV. DirecTV is WORTH it. I've only lost service or signal maybe 3 times in the past year. Cable I would lose service everytime it rained.
  23. Goff is a stand up character guy who could really help the Bills offensive line entirely. The Bills starting offensive line average age is 26 years old. Mike is 32.
  24. What about Mike Goff? He's a leader for the Chargers, motivator, and very intense. He's a little older, but if we're looking at this realistically, Ralph isn't going to spend big $$$. Goff could get one last nice contract here in Buffalo.
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