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Posts posted by extrahammer

  1. Stupidity? I think that's harsh.


    People don't remember Matt Millen for his playing days and the Super Bowl rings he has, people remember him for the debacle he's responsible for in Detroit.


    People remember guys like Emmitt Smith and Jarome Bettis for their playing days and both have Super Bowl rings as well.


    There's a difference.


    For the record, I do agree with you. I trust his analysis and opinion as much as I do my dog's.

  2. That probably played a part in it but most football fans, the many millions of people watching the show, think of Millen as one of the worst GMs of all time. He turned the Lions into an absolute laughing stock.


    It's hard to take anything he says seriously.


    There's a lot of under the table things going on. I believe Donahoe was feeding Mortensen info when he was here. I'm sure Mort and the guys at ESPN didn't all the sudden lose contact with Donahoe when he left them to come to Buffalo. I'm sure it's the same with Millen. Doesn't matter what the fans think, how else did Millen stay a GM so long?

  3. Episode I - The Football Menace - Mired in last place in the league, the Dark Lord Ralph Wilson continues to poorly manage his football team due to old age.


    Episode II - Coaching Clones - After years of mediocre coaching and stoic responses, the evil Sith Lord’s apprentice Dick Jauron starts takin gover the minds of his players, making them sound and act like him.


    Episode III - Revenge of the Dick - After going three straight years of 7-9 football, Dick Jauron signs a contract extension with the Dark Side in order to plague the fans and media of Buffalo with more boring and sophmoric football.


    Episode IV - A New Hope, HA! - In a statement before the last game of the year, Ralph Wilson, the Dark Lord releases a statement that he is not happy about the current Sith apprentice Dick Jauron, but a decision will be made after the season is over. The Dark One realizes he needs the Sith apprentice to continue to make clones so no one questions his football authority.


    Episode v - The Players Strike Back - With rebellion stirring around the Empire of the Bills trying to oust the evil Sith Lord Apprentice Dick Jauron, the clones rally around the Sith protecting him with their superstar power.


    Episode VI - Return of the Moron - The Empire of Buffalo releases a statement that the Dark Sith Apprentice will return next year as the leader of the clones.


    - Tim Redinger



  4. The problem is even though we played sub-par teams starting off, we were carrying some momentum for the first time in a long time. It's up to the coaches to keep players focused and keep the momentum going. Confidence can do a lot for a team. It can also do a lot of bad if you're not coaching your players.


    BTW, were there ANY rb screen passes after week 6?

  5. I'm not ripping you. Its an interesting question. Is the collective zeitgeist of the fans turning Ralph into a vegetable, the regional ethos imprinting itself on the local sports team? Are we miserable because the team blows, or does the team blow because we're generally miserable? I have to confess, there's something tragically romantic about rooting for a perennial loser.


    Yes, and is the hostility of the fans as Ralph continues to push 100 growing, and could it possibly just piss him off in the end? Could it all be linked to karma also?

  6. Not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that repeated statements/sentiments from the fans, in this case saying Ralph is old and out of his mind, are actually manifesting themselves and pushing Ralph into senility? Our collective consciousness is hastening Ralph's mental degeneration? Fascinating stuff, Mr. Jasper.


    Sell the team, Ralph. Sell the team, Ralph.


    I'm not saying anything.. I was just asking..

  7. Hiring a big name coach doesn't guarantee success, it just guarantees a big bill that RW will never want to pay. Since Polian left, we had a very talented team in the late 90's and have went down hill from there. If Polian stayed, we would of been SB champs several times by now.


    Hogwash. Most of the players in the late 90's were Polian's leftovers.

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