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Posts posted by extrahammer

  1. I don't think Whisenhunt blew the game, he's a great coach and he did the best he could. Their defense allowed more big plays than Pittsburgh's defense. Going in, I thought the only way Arizona could win is by letting it all out from start to finish. Everyone expected the Steelers to just play defense and run the ball on offense, but the Steelers can play hard ball or fast ball.

  2. I don't know if many of you caught Joe DeLamielleure on HBO's Real Sports last week, but we had him our show Bills Fan Radio last week as well. My favorite quote he said: “I blame Gene Upshaw that this issue has taken so long to be brought to headlines. I don’t know anyone but who’s been employed by him and the union that says a good word about him. When the owners come out and say Gene was a great union leader, that doesn’t make sense. We had an adversary not an advocate for the former players. I hope one day (Roger) Goodell wakes up and goes to the union and says ‘take care of these guys’. He’s a good guy but I think his hands are tied until a new Collective Bargaining Agreement is in place. And if you think about it, the players are about to strike for more money. I just laugh at that.” Cool guy, benched presses 225 almost 30 times at the age of 60.

  3. You are most likely correct on this. The eagles aren't going to let him walk, after his performance at the end of the year. Kolb has looked terrible besides.


    If McNabb wants out, he'll get out. I think he's tired of the criticism. Too much of it was put on that overtime comment he made. People forget real quickly he's still an outstanding quarterback. And besides DeSean Jackson, Philly doesn't have much at receivers. Curtis has been fading out long before he got to Philly. Westbrook is injured all the time. McNabb is a good quarterback. And he almost beat the Cardinals himself.

  4. I believe Richard gave John the compass for it to be his "constant" so that he'll be able to "rejoin" Richard when he needs him to.




    The crazy thing about this show is Lindelhof supposedly had the entire series written before season 1.


    Also, I think Sun wants to kill Jack. She was awkward when she asked Kate about him.

  5. I'm certain Hurley can communicate with the dead, making him a pivotal cog a la Desmond (when Daniel said Desmond was unique, Hurley is in the same boat, just with different capabilities). I remember back in season 4 ep. 2 or thereabouts, when Hurley first saw Charlie, and Hurley said, "You can't be here, you're dead!" And Charlie replied, "I am dead. But I am also here. What does that tell you?"


    So the island only wants people who are "special", can we define or theorize what each person's "special"ness is? Or do you think it's just overall that person is "special"?


    You kiddin? Sawyer's the freakin man...better him than whiny-boy Jack if you ask me.


    Ah Jack was dealt some tough rope but he's the true alpha male. Sawyer takes what he can get. Jack holds out for better. Trust me, Kate would have had sex with Jack in season 1 if he would have pursued her.

  6. Great episode as usual. A lot to chew on. I think my favorite scene was when they where filming the orientation video. Gave us a little peak into the start of the Dharma people.


    Going to be very confusing if the island is constantly jumping around in time but it's Lost so I expect it to be confusing.


    Only complaint, not enough of scantily clad Kate!



    I lost it for Kate we she had sex with Sawyer. I'll never forgive her. But Juliet on the other hand.... :lol:

  7. The opening was a shocker, although I had a feeling this season we would learn more about Dr. Marvin Candle. Couple of revelations in the first show that posed new questions. Faraday obviously is holding some secrets about time travel and the Dharma initiative. One thing I thought was interesting was in the "Destiny Calls" pre-show Lindelhof said Hugo was the "heart and soul of the show". I never really thought of Hurley as much, but that's really interesting. I think the constant flipping back and forth in time on the island was insane. Is it going to keep doing this the entire season?


    And something told me back in season 3 or 4 that the lady in the jewelry shop was going to be tied in more. She just has the mystique look on her face. Like Dr. Candle. And Widmore. And Dr. Alpert.

  8. I got through re-watching all of the episodes before the new season begins and a couple of things have occurred to me.


    I think I first starting forming it out last season, but I'm now sure that Christian Shepard was living his life like Desmond in the pivotal "Flashes Before The Eyes" (and "The Constant" to some degree) where Desmond travels back in time and must relive his life a second time doing the same things he did previously, with the further knowledge that whatever he tries to change will be "course corrected" anyway, so ultimately it won't matter. People connected to the show have said that's going to be one of the most important episodes as far as understanding what's going on.


    My read is that Christian Shepard had lived his life previously and this was his second (third? fourth?) go-round. Hence, his reaction to his job eg when the boy died on his table, and when young Jack came home with a black eye for sticking up for his friend Mark Silverman. "I went home, had dinner and watched Carol Burnett until my sides hurt and how can I do that!?!? Huh? How can I do that?! Because I have what it takes. Don't try to be a hero, Jack." (I will also mention that in that scene, on his study wall, is a blurry picture of what looks like a tropical island). Christian is weary and turned to drink by knowing that his life essentially didn't mean squat until he got (back?) to the island. Anyone he saved on the operating table that wasn't supposed to be saved would just die next week in a... car accident or an elevator collapse. Contrast this with what we've seen of Christian in ghost-form on the island --- he's lead Jack to certain places and functions and "speaks for" Jacob, and he does this with purpose. It may have been in the LOST S4 thread where someone gave a really good synopsis on dead characters having to stay until their purpose is fulfilled. Hence, the discussion when Ben and Widmore met that it would be purposeless to hurt/kill each other --- the universe would still bring them to the island in some form.


    I believe that each one of the Losties is in another go-round, even tho they may not realize it. The white-haired woman in the ring shop told Desmond, "I can always spot the first-timers." Some do seem to have awareness on some level, to the point that the island wants them to, e.g. Locke. And I think this is where Richard Alpert comes in, trying to test the young Lockes' ... how do you say... realization of the future? or perhaps mini-states of what happened to Desmond in "The Constant" that don't have the same physical effects (aneurysm, as Faraday said) on some people. The young Locke would then be expected by Richard to know which of the possessions were "his" in the future, just as Desmond c. 1996 would have known that Desmond c.2004 was wearing a blue shirt and had long hair and a beard.


    Still don't know what exactly to make of Richard, tho. He is the only confirmed member of the island's original "hostiles." He appears to be 's said that Ben has gotten the Others off track of the larger goals... goals that he seems to think Locke will direct the Others toward. It's still to be seen whether his appearances in other places are the result of time travel or if he doesn't age.


    Hope this post hasn't screwed with anyone's mind.


    Tonight, LOST starts @ 8 with an hour-long recap/refresher of the first 4 seasons, followed by two hour-long episodes. It would be nice if ABC could leave the timeslot alone from now on. Looks like, starting next week, they will continue replaying the previous week's episode @ 8 p.m. and the new episode @ 9 p.m.


    So why did Alpert when visiting Locke as a child, say he "wasn't special" after Locke chose the knife?

  9. Don't argue with these folks, as they have been bred for mediocrity... while other teams are winning and improving themselves, the Bills are a laughingstock of the league. Let them ridicule players who have proven themselves in the league and who are passionate about helping their teams... they get what they deserve: perennial losers like Robert Royal, John McCargo, and Chris Kelsay.



    That's an assinine statement that completely ignores common sense.

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