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Posts posted by extrahammer

  1. UConn James - I love reading your analysis each week. Do you blog about the show at all?


    Ben episodes are usually good and this "Dead is Dead" was no exception. I really liked how the episodes have picked up with intensity since "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham".


    I just don't see Ben giving up so easy on his control. He has proven since the 2nd season to be a master manipulator. And really before that considering he helped The Others wipe out the DI.


    Why does Widmore want to get back to the island so much? Obviously Ben got back so is it safe to say the island wants Ben back but not Charles?


    And the question still remains, what is the Oceanic 6's purpose for going back?

  2. My posts get criticized, and I don't complain. Hell, sometimes I change my opinion, or realize I was wrong, or haven't thought the situation through, well enough.


    And, if you think most of my posts aren't contributing and on topic, maybe that's because you aren't really reading other posts, because all you care about is posting your thoughts. Had you read the thread that already had posts about Stroud, and how it might be a signal to Peters, you would have seen that I posted similar thoughts in that thread, as did others.


    What's the old saying Dean? "You can't cure stupid".

  3. For Sawyer to be in control and to be so confident, it seems to me he's starting to screw things up. Not to mention he seems to be the leader amongst certain people, but when Horace comes around it seems as if he backs down.


    I go back to the reason a lot of people think Jack is too controlling, but I think that deters from people always looking to him for answers. He constantly gets thrown in the leadership role and for once he turns it down and Kate and Juliet are upset at him.


    Here we are a little past halfway through season 5 and I still have no theory on who's the good guy and who's the bad guy, not to mention no theory on what the assumed war will entail. I love this show!


    There's an episode coming up titled "Some like it HOTH". Is there a Star Wars relation from the Empire Strikes Back? :lol:

  4. I have a linked-in account and I like it. although I don't check it often.


    As for facebook, it was best when the wall was a wall and you wrote graffiti on it. Some of you newbies on facebook won't get that. It was sleeker, faster, easier, and more simple than myspace and that's why it was so appealing. Zuckerberg has left that initial concept. Which in turn, I think facebook is seeing its peak now, I don't think they'll top more than around 300 million users. If even that.


    What facebook needs to do, since they have such a great language conversion compability on facebook, is offer different layout view options, similar to some message boards. A simple layout, an advanced layout, and a layout like the one they have now. That way, people can choose how they view facebook. If they can automatically and so efficiently convert my english message to german to my friends in Germany and vice versa, then this concept isn't impossible.

  5. Haven't read it. I'm sure they realized they would need to develop a business infrastructure - Schmidt is the nominal face but he isn't "the decider". Google is similar to Oracle (where there have been a bunch of chiefs over the years - many exceptionally capable- but only Ellison is king).


    I like how they have the chain of command at Google.


    I credit Larry and Sergei more than Zuckerberg. Larry and Sergei have maintained control and consistency while Zuckerberg I think has listened to too many others.

  6. Larry and Sergei brought in a CEO to placate investors and add the veneer of maturity. Their CEO was considered pretty mediocre at his past posts as a VP in the Valley. According to a gal he was dating (I know hearsay but well placed hearsay), Larry and Sergei rule the roost and the CEO dude is largely a figurehead.


    Yes, sorry for misspelling Sergei's name, but yes, I like how they held true to the greatest value at Google. The speed and results.


    Have you read "The Google Story"? Nice read, but it says they brought in the CEO because investors almost forced them to. Also to carry out more business related things.

  7. I'm a college student who's been on facebook for a few years and I absolutely can't stand it anymore. But it's like a drug, and every time I tell myself to get rid of my account for numerous reasons, I can't pull the trigger. There are so many pathetic people who insist on putting their every emotion online it just makes me sick. Way too much personalization now...i miss the days where if I DIDNT want to know what someone was up to, I had that ability. Now it's just a click away.


    Yeah, it started off great when you just had profiles, no statuses, no news feed, no clutter.


    And for the record, Mark Zuckerberg isn't a billionaire. Facebook is estimated to be worth $1.5 billion, NOT $15 billion like some early projections, and facebook is only making a few $100 million in revenue. Don't mistake someone with a great idea for someone with a great business mind. Larry and Sergey didn't have the business mind until they hired a CEO.

  8. Facebook has gotten all corporate now. The original facebook, actually called "thefacebook" was its best. It was only a college social networking site. And you could only get a facebook if your college was added to their system. At that point, there were no high schoolers or baby boomers.


    And now Zuckerberg is trying to go after Twitter when instead facebook should focus on enhancing itself.

  9. What did Dr. Candle say when he was processing Jack? "They drug me from the laboratory today"... I cracked up! I thought we'd see more of him but now I'm thinking we'll see him every episode.


    Every week after an episode a new set of questions arise for me. What were those empty barracks Christian was living in? I think Sun and Ben are in a different time period (possibly future?) and I thought the barracks were burned? Christian told Sun she had a "journey" ahead of her. Does that mean she has "work to do"?


    Also, I'm not sure if Jughead is linked to the infamous "incident" because I thought they said in the season 2 finale it was a "leak" that caused the incident, like a leak of electromagnetism?


    And finally, I think someone here theorized that Kate could possibly be pregnant, after the night she was crying on Jack's bed, how big of a twist would it be if she got pregnant BECAUSE Ben told her she had to??

  10. As a follow-up to one of my earlier posts, I don't think it's too much of a spoiler to now be saying that the opening scene in this season's premiere (with Faraday appearing at the Dharma construction of the Orchid) will be extrapolated before the season finale. Perhaps as early as this ep.


    Producers have said that this season is about why they needed to get back to the island. Next season (the last of the show) will focus on what happens when they get back.


    I have to agree. These past 2 episodes, "Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" and "LaFleur" were REALLY good.


    Namaste insinuates that it will not only be good, but as you said, begin to reveal the story of the ones who were left behind and started working for Dharma. We've waited 4 seasons and now I think we're about to find out a good bit about Dr. Marvin Candle other than the fact he has changed his name in some of the orientation films. I'm hoping we get to discover more about the leak "incident". And who his child is...


    Also, during this break from last week I've gone back and re-watched all the episodes in season 5. Remember when they returned to their camp and it was destroyed? Remember when they got in the boat and were paddling? There was an Ajira water bottle. Not sure if anyone caught that.

  11. First off, this is cut and pasted right from your post:


    "I know....let's trade every starter.....we'll surely be able to re-build a superbowl team with all of the draft picks. "


    So dont say you didn't say it. Now what is there yet for Peters to hold out from yet? They haven't had anything to hold out from. We'll see when workouts start if he shows up. See if he is there when camp starts, my guess is no unless he gets traded or gets the money he so doesn't deserve.


    Another cut and pasted:


    "Has he held out? Has he bitched & moaned?" You haven't read about him stating he wants to be the highest paid LT in the

    AFC, with a statement like that he is more qualified to be a standup comic than a LT.


    One More:


    "the Bills said "You're not getting one, but we'll give you one next year." Where you there to get a direct quote like this?


    First off, "billsfreak", where is the link of Peters saying that, and even if he in fact did, HOW is that bitching and moaning?


    You're arguing for the sake of arguing.

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