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Posts posted by extrahammer

  1. I try not to shamelessly plug anything on this board, but Michael Lombardi from NFL Network and the National Football Post is gonna be talking about the Bills tonight live on Bills Fan Radio at 9:05pm ET. We'll be discussing the Peters trade and other possible trades for the Bills, as well as the draft. E-mail your questions to host@billsfanradio.com. Or post them and I'll try to get them on the air. Gracias!

  2. Since when was he found guilty of disorderly conduct? I believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty, don't you? As far as I'm concerned, he's done nothing wrong and the charges are baseless until a jury decides otherwise.


    That's what I'm saying, he's being CHARGED with disorderly conduct, but he hasn't been convicted or anything yet. A lot of people just go ahead and plead guilty with similar charges because of the costs and how normal it is. Donte's in an interesting spot because he has the money to really take this to court if he feels and it won't really affect him.


    Again, in any form, anything that happens doesn't equate him getting bashed the way some numbskull fans are doing.

  3. Height: 5'8

    Weight: 185

    Bench: 505lbs

    Squat: 800lbs

    40 time: 4.12 (unofficial)

    Vertical: 37.4 inches (unofficial)


    Pros: Hard worker, motivated, leader, understands the game. Shows up early. Aced the Wonderlic.


    Cons: Missed a practice to go on a date with Megan Fox and Elisha Cuthbert at the same time. Took 20 Bills fans to Las Vegas the day after signing a $30 million contract. Lost $30 million in Las Vegas. Had to live in a treehouse in The Dean's backyard.


    Diet is a bit out of whack, think Urlacher hits hard? Try putting down a box of krispy kreme or buffalo wings in front of this player...


    Too flashy, big ego, self-centered.


    Sue me.

  4. I'm guessing Orakpo is high on their board, if he is available.


    I've heard Orakpo isn't high on their boards as he's more just a pass rushing type DE, not an all-downs DE. Orakpo isn't as strong against the rush.


    edit: I don't claim to have inside connections, but tomorrow night on Bills Fan Radio, we have 2 insiders well-credited and respected that do have inside connections. This is based on what they've discussed with me prepping for show. And I drive a Toyota. =)

  5. This isn't the first go-round we've had on the topic, around here. I've had my say, and I think my position has been consistent.


    I think Kelly and Sisyphean are doing a fine job representing my views on the matter.



    You're doing a good job representing my views through Kelly and Sisyphean as well.

  6. I get what you're saying and it is silly to think it is about race in this case. but you're completely naive to not think there are a bunch of racist cops out there. How many white "suspects" have been killed by the police as opposed to black "suspects"?


    Do you know if the cops were white in Donte's incident? Do you have proof?


    You're right, they're are a bunch of racist cops out there. White and black.

  7. +1 I'm only 20 and I've already had my fair share of run-ins with the police/officers... but i'm always been respectful..yes sir no sir yes officer..no officer and you know what they let you off with warnings as a rule...just show them some respect. I've had friends who feel the need to mouth off and they end up in the county jail overnight. The officers are in the position of power..seems like people have a hard time remembering that.


    Lots of people have a hard time remembering that. Lots of people don't remember that police officers are constantly dealing with violent people, so they have to maintain a consistent approach to everything.

  8. I love people so quick to blame it on cops and color. The hard and cold REALITY is that being RIGHT isn't always being SMART. For example, if you get pulled over by a cop and he asks you why you were going so fast, do you really think refusing to answer him is the SMART thing to do? Do you really believe that refusing to answer will produce better results for you than saying, "I'm sorry officer, I didn't realize I was going over the limit?" When pulled over by a police officer, your #1 goal should be move on as quickly as possible. If you refuse to answer, the officer may suspect you're drunk or under the influence of drugs and ask you to exit the vehicle. YOU NEVER WANT TO BE ASKED TO EXIT THE VEHICLE! No one ever gets shot sitting in their driver's seat. No one gets arrested for being polite. No one spends the night in jail for cooperating.


    Another example would be getting stopped on the street (which happened to me one night in Manhattan in front of my apartment). The cop pulled up in his car, shined the light on me and got out of the car and approached me. He asked for my name and address and then for identification. I was annoyed. The law doesn't require me to answer. But I had a split-second decision to make: BE RIGHT or BE SMART. If I just ignored him, do you think I would have slept in my comfy bed that night or would the probability of him slapping the cuffs on me for some bogus disorderly conduct charge have risen dramatically?


    I told him my name, showed him my license and two minutes later, he was gone. Let's say I refused to answer him. Imagine the worst-case scenario: He calls for backup. More cop cars pull up. They order me up against the wall for an illegal frisk. I refuse. They pull out their clubs and start beating me. Or someone pulls out their service weapon and points it at my head. Or some juiced up donut muncher tackles me and smashes my face into the pavement, while they cuff me, then throw me in the back of the car, take me down to central booking, and have me arraigned on charges of resisting arrest, assaulting a police officer, and disorderly conduct. I spend 37 hours in an underground cell with criminal scumbags eating bologna sandwiches and unable to sleep. Then I get arraigned in front of the judge, have to hire an attorney, and have to return to court several times.


    Even if I get all of the charges dropped, I'm out a huge amount of cash and time, and probably my job if I didn't show up for work for 3 days. And don't think you can easily sue and win on a case like this. The cops will line up to testify that you ran, or you tried to grab his gun, or you shoved him first. The legal process of suing the NYPD takes years and juries won't give you any money unless you have a permanent injury. Hurt feelings and the indignity of spending 2 nights in jail just won't cut the mustard.

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