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Posts posted by extrahammer

  1. Jazzy - You could be on to something here. There's a part in the penultimate scene, I think where Jacob says "I see you found your loophole" then they cut to Locke 2.0 where I faintly heard that trumpet-like sound you hear when the smoke monster attacks.


    I'm gonna go back and watch for that..

  2. I don't think Esau = smoke monster = Locke 2.0. The main reason is that Locke 2.0 doesn't know Ben saw Alex when Ben was surrounded by smoke monster. I don't remember the exact conversation between Locke 2.0 and Ben, Locke 2.0 may not even know Ben met smoke monster under the Temple.


    I think Esau is Locke 2.0, but not smoke monster.


    Bear in mind, earlier this season, when Ben, Locke, and Sun were at the barracks, Ben tried calling the smoke monster and it didn't come. Ben told Sun "whatever comes out of that jungle, i can't control"..... then out walks Locke. Smoke monster never came.

  3. From DarkUFO


    In the Persona series, there are two primary gods: Philemon and Nyarlathotep. Philemon represents the "good" deity, and Nyar (for short, from here on out) represents "the bad", or evil. While the two gods rarely make appearances in the games, there is one common thread that connects the entire series, and that relates to a sort of bet between the two: "Philemon is conducting an experiment with Nyarlathotep to see if humans can become enlightened being, or if they destroy themselves. While Philemon continues to play by the rules, Nyarlathotep directly manipulates events to insure the destruction of mankind" (http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Philemon'>http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Philemon).



    These are the events that transpire throughout the series: the theme of whether or not humanity can, in fact, surpass their mortal limitations, their fears, their vices and sins. The following are excerpts in the functionalities of the two gods: "Nyarlathotep, also known as The Crawling Chaos, is the counterbalance to Philemon in the Persona series of games. Unlike Philemon, Nyarlathotep is able to operate in the outside world and take an active role. Throughout the series he employs the use of Shadow Sides, essentially clones, of characters to accomplish his goals" (http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Nyarlathotep).


    "Philemon is a man, or deity, who wears a butterfly mask. He lives within the realm of the subconscious and he awakens within people the ability to use Personae. Philemon serves as a neutral observer and he watches as things unfold. He cannot directly interfere, however, the party is aided by The Velvet Room, which is filled with his servants" (http://megamitensei.wikia.com/wiki/Philemon).


    Some of the intricacies are obviously not relevant; the ability to use Personae, the butterfly mask, etc. But when you examine the other things, it - in a very strange way - makes sense. Nyar can create clones or apparitions of people to do his own dirty work (Smoke Monster, anyone?). Philemon is more of a spiritual/subconscious god. As it says, he has the ability to awaken "Personae," or otherwise hidden potential in people. In "The Incident," we see Jacob visiting the Losties off island, and during every encounter, he touches them. There was large emphasis on this fact, as the camera usually went in for a quick close-up, or there was a moment of silence during it. I believe Jacob was giving the Losties a special gift, a hidden potential.


    At the beginning of the episode, there is this conversation between Jacob and the man known as Esau:


    Esau: Morning.

    Jacob: Morning.

    Esau: Mind if I join you?

    Jacob: Please. Want some fish?

    Esau: Thank you. I just ate.

    Jacob: I take it you're here because of the ship.

    Esau: I am. (beat) How did they find the island?

    Jacob: You'll have to ask them when they get here.

    Esau: I don't have to ask. You brought them here. You're trying to prove me wrong, aren't you?

    Jacob: You are wrong.

    Esau: Am I? They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt. Always ends the same.

    Jacob: It only ends once. Anything that happens before that...is just progress.

    Esau: You have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?

    Jacob: Yes.

    Esau: One of these days, sooner or later...I'm gonna find a loophole, my friend.

    Jacob: Well when you do, I'll be right here.

    Esau: Well, it was nice talking to you, Jacob.

    Jacob: Nice talking to you, too.


    The conversation between these two men, or quite possibly these two demi-gods, is very similar to the type of bet between the gods of the Persona series: a bet, or experiment, that humanity can surpass their primal instincts for violence and corruption. Esau (Nyar) perfectly exclaims that he does not believe they can do so. Jacob (Philemon) endeavors to prove him wrong. I therefore believe, and am willing to put forth as fact, that Esau is, in fact, the smoke monster, if not just another manifestation of it.


    Jacob, on the other hand, is still a bit of a mystery. We can safely assume that he is a sort of demi-god. Likewise, we can confidently confirm that, in the finale, he knew the John Locke that came to visit him was, in fact, the man from the beginning - Esau. Jacob did not seem frightened by this. If anything, he seemed expecting. When Ben does finally stab Jacob, Jacob does not shout out in pain, in anger, or in betrayal. His dying wards seemed to be a warning: "They're coming." Who *they* are is yet to be revealed, but from this I can conclude that Jacob - all along - knew one day that the man known as Esau would kill him, but it seems he did not try to put up any resistance. Jacob wanted to die. Or...maybe...he needed to die.

  4. Awesome episode last night. I'd rank it as one of the top 4 episodes in the series.


    I knew when Jacob said looks like you found your loophole that the guy in Locke's body, or whatever, was the guy in the beginning dressed in black. So many questions! The fade to white was either the explosion or re-adjustment of place and time, or both. Very sad to see Juliet go, but it was her purpose for being there, to detonate the bomb.


    I will definitely be re-watching this episode again today.


    I feel like my brain has been literally f*%#@ !


    P.S. - I'm gonna miss checking this thread every Thursday morning for the next 8 months!

  5. Whereas I assumed Dr. Candle/Chang would have more control on Dharma matters, Radzinsky totally ran him over in the last episode.


    "Follow The Leader" was the name of the episode and it seems as though Locke is assuming power whether Richard likes it or not. I kinda like that about Locke.


    I don't think I could possibly select 3 questions that I want to know most because there's too many questions in my head.


    For the sake of the finale, I hope we get a glimpse of the inevitable war that seems to be coming. Who vs. Who?

  6. I think Moulds getting suspended when he was with the Bills was the result of coaching stupidity of Mike Mularkey along with ignorant abuse of power. That was stemmed from the Miami game where Buffalo went up 21-0 in the 1st quarter but failed to score anymore points the rest of the game allowing Miami to win late in the 4th.


    Why? Because when Buffalo was up 21-0, they ignorantly continued to lob deep passes even in goalline situations. Moulds, a wide receiver, which some of you call "bitter, whiney, etc.", actually was pissed because they continued to throw the ball and not run any around the goalline. Mularkey then told Moulds and the media Moulds was suspended the rest of the season, Moulds called Ralph, Ralph then flew in and had to do Donahoe's job since Donahoe wouldn't do it.


    Result: Moulds was only suspended for one game, not 4, and Donahoe and Mularkey were gone the next season.


    FYI - Moulds still holds some franchise records, even post-season records for WRs, so I think he's entitled to respectfully give his opinion which he did.

  7. Another moment...

    Dr. Chang: What year were you born? Who's president?

    Hurley: Uhhh...




    Something I read in a recap.... The introduction --- Richard Alpert building a ship in a bottle. A clue pointing to a connection to the Black Rock, perhaps?


    Also, what of Richard's assertion that he saw all of the '77 travelers get killed? Or do they disappear after Jack sets off the bomb, or if he doesn't? We'll see. It's also something to see Jack's transformation. Calls to mind Locke's assertion in the hatch along the lines of 'You believe in destiny, you just don't know it yet.' How much of that was just a comeback and how much was it maybe a subconscious knowledge on the part of Locke?




    My money's on that, too.


    I'm also reading speculation that Jughead being stored underneath the DI's yellow-house compound might explain some of the fertility issues.


    A commenter suggests that he thinks Kate is preggers from her and Jack's pre-flight nookie. It would re-create that part of the flight with someone being with child (Claire). I know it sounds a little disingenuous, but that's a thought I've had as well.



    Good stuff, I've thought all along that Kate could be preggers as well, we will see. If that's the case, what in the world will go on in season 6?

  8. I think it's very good odds that she's always been an outside-Other plant that was on 815.


    The Tailies assumed she'd been taken... but it's just as likely that she stole away at a convenient time.


    Bear in mind that the Others appear to have had another plant in Oceanic. The woman at the gate, whom Hurley hugged and picked up when she called the plane back, I believe her name was Jenny or Ginny. She was also the woman at the computer at Oxford in 2007 when Desmond tried to find Faraday. She was supposed to dead-end him, only Des did some peeking for himself. Look at the list at imdb, and it's the same actress. Not a coincidence. A number of off-island Other operatives have been revealed, among them Jill and Ben's lawyer. And not a big leap (especially since she integrated so fast) to the conclusion that Cindy was put on 815 by the Others.


    Ah, good insight! To add to Hazed's post, James, your posts are very intriguiging and something I very much look forward to each Thursday morning. BTW, I'm planning a LOST trip to Oahu this September with a friend. Hope to catch some scene shooting.

  9. Do you think Brett Favre shows up at John Clayton's door to tell him these things... or is every reporter hounding him every second about whether he's coming back or not? Come on! ESPN started doing this a long time ago, you can't blame Favre, every time he steps in a room, people ask him if he's coming back. So he told people he was retired for good, maybe he's just trying to let it die down until he can clear his head and make a decision.


    You know why Favre's so interesting to people? Because he plays with broken fingers and other injuries like it's a regular thing, and he can fire a football through a concrete wall. Dan Marino does that? Peyton Manning does that? Psh.






    Brett Favre is obviously in your head.

  11. Exactly....think of how big those Minn/GB games will be this year if he does sign with the Vikes! I know that I'll be tuning in for that one! Brett Favre playing in GB on the frozen tundra AGAINST the Packers??? That's HUGE man!


    I would be. And I'd hope he'd win, but I don't think he would. Either way, it's his life. He can go about it as he wants. Being interested in something like this is about as "dramafied" as I'll get.

  12. Does anyone really give a darn at this point, he must still feel the need to be in the headlines, even thjo his skills have diminished



    I think he just wants to try to stick it to Ted Thompson. If he wants to go a major personal crusade, who are we to judge?

  13. Creatine is a good supplement for lifting, but be sure to drink lots of water. Any type of supplement like creatine can cause you to become dehydrated and can lead to problems down the road. Drink lots of water, everyday.


    Exactly what problems down the road? You don't run into any problems if you keep it in moderation. Loading phases of creatine is what causes problems.


    Anything in excess will causes problems. You ever seen the symptoms list for taking in too much Vitamin C??

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