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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Nah, haha, the cast and crutches drew enough attention from the ladies, believe it or not. Even you sympathized, you sent me that Jills calendar. I should probably keep that on the down-low.
  2. John, if you're interested I blew out my ankle before my senior season in high school football, I'm about to turn 25 next month. I played on a program that is consistently ranked in the Top 25 in the country. It's tough, but he'll get through it. I remember my mom took it harder than anyone, I think she thought I was dying. I could have gotten depressed about it but my dad made sure I kept active on other things and I think that really helped. If you or your son needs someone to talk through, let me know.
  3. Or not. There's been substantial proof and even 2 documentaries about Michael Moore and how he falsifies information. Because just about every democrat has referenced Canada's healthcare system and tremendously praised it. That was the same guy who did this video at the start of the thread. He was on Neil Cavuto yesterday discussing the video.
  4. OMG! LOL! L33T th@t w0uld b3 $0 @w3$0m3! FML!
  5. That Steven Crowder is a funny guy. He's been on Fox News a few times. About the wait time difference in the U.S. and Canada, this kid just for sh*ts and giggles went to Canada to see for himself and those were his results. It's odd that wait times would be that bad for him and his friends only to get blood work done. Seriously, just blood work. No the U.S. system isn't perfect, it's mostly the insurance companies, not medical companies, that are at fault. And no it's not perfect in that you only have to wait an hour anywhere in the U.S. That's just the average, as in averages, the differences vary. Furthermore, these medical professionals working at these Canadian establishments all go on record saying the government healthcare ultimately sucks. Coincidence? I think not!
  6. Yikes! That's worse than Henry Waxman not knowing the average legal drinking age or that steroids are illegal!
  7. I would go to the school principal, explain what happened, and he offers nothing I would tell him you're looking at "all possible options", without telling him I'd go to the superintendent. Then I'd go to the emergency room you went to, explain what happened to a higher up person, and if it's not resolved to your satisfaction I would tell them you are considering filing a complaint to the BBB and making some other calls. If you drop the BBB line, most businesses scurry to satisfy your problem.
  8. Sarah Palin is one hot grandma.
  9. I wouldn't be surprised if he was on heavier stuff than pain killers. That ESPN article quoted former employees of his saying he'd be up for 60 hours straight sometimes.
  10. Yeah, my same exact thoughts, I'm about to turn 25 and my former boss was 50. Although when he told me this is war, I just said "Sorry, I don't see it that way". And I called the higher-ups to make them aware of the statement so they could document it. http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2009/07/11/l...cnbc-interview/ We could play a drinking game for every time Dykstra says "The bottom line is"
  11. I actually just left an employer similar to Lenny's ways. I wasn't duped out of any money, but I've seen other employees duped out of paychecks and for the past year we'd been getting automated credit-debt consolidator calls. When I gave the owner my resignation, he said these words I'll never forget: "This is war". After I talked to an attorney just for some information and he told me that usual someone who does shady business practice in one area, generally does shady business practices across the board.
  12. Is she Michelle potential? $600+ pair of shoes? Check. $5,000+ purse? Check.
  13. His publicists have a reality show???
  14. Tim, What was the best thing before sliced bread?
  15. Actually, his giant hat is nowhere near as pathetic as all the Affliction/Tapout/Ed Hardy rosary tattoed pasted haired freaks who all think they are legit MMA fighters. If you actually watched Mystery, just even once, he's a big advocate against buying girls drinks. In fact, he oftens "opens a set" by offering the girl to buy HIM a drink. It's on VH1, same network as T.O., not MTV. http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j12/paulguynj/guido12.jpg http://www.clubplanet.com/news/blogpics/bt_group.jpg
  16. http://deadspin.com/5307893/the-mysterious...ne=true&s=x
  17. A lot of times, people are quick just to speak before they think. The meaning of their communication is just the response they get.
  18. Not if you do a good job of keeping things interesting. Very good advice! Don't let looks overpower you, sometimes that's all they have. Sometimes they have both, but that should only help you gain your focus more! Any Mystery fans here?
  19. If you're girl is hot, trust me, she's not the only hot girl out there. And hot girls fall for ugly guys all the time.. puts me in disbelief! Hope this helps!
  20. Fate is transparent. Rob played a horrid game, absolutely HORRID... UNTIL, the last drive. Does that really make up for anything? Of course it's not fact, just mere opinion, but based on historical records, like the win/loss column, if I were a betting man, the odds would have definitely been more in favor of Flutie than RJ. I could careless what writers in Buffalo think.
  21. I don't know, but if this thread was real, I would plant a bomb on it.
  22. Has this really turned into a debate about Flutie being nice? I met him in New Orleans in 98 and he was very cordial.
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