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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Nah, it's much faster, I think the end of the chorus is "all over this world" or "land"...
  2. Who sings this 90's hard rock song? It's chorus is something like "if i.." and then later "all over" ? The bits I can recall are "if i", "all over this" (not sure)? and then later something that rhymes (couldn't recall again) with "apparatus" or something? It sounds like Smashing Pumpkins, Buckcherry, or Alice in Chains, not sure. It's pretty heavy until the middle point they slow it down and it's just acoustic for a few seconds before getting heavy again. Please help, I've googled this with no luck!
  3. I agree. As much as I think Josh Reed has developed into a better receiver, he's at most a possesion receiver and his size isn't suitable for that role. Hardy, Johnson, or Jenkins could develop into that and we'd get better matchups and results. The only speedsters we have are Evans and Parrish. Parrish needs to be that wildcard in the no-huddle and do return duties to take the pressure off of our DB's.
  4. There were a lot of similarities between SKOOBY and jason268152.
  5. Don't forget, Steve Johnson and James Hardy have been out of both games. And Justin Jenkins is emerging as a good receiver as well. Terrell Owens, Lee Evans, Josh Reed, James Hardy, Steve Johnson - I'm waiting for that lineup in a game.
  6. I'm surprised you weren't hit with that note on your way here.
  7. This reminds me for some reason when I interviewed a girl who lasted only a month with her previous employer. As soon as I asked if she had really only worked there for a month or if that was oversight, she said it was correct and proceeded to tell me a story of how 10 friends of hers had been arrested one night and she showed up for work "too distraught" and was fired after "having an episode". I hope she found a job!
  8. This is one of the few girl bands I've gotten into. A good song is Gold Lion. Passion Pit and The Sounds are the other 2.
  9. FYI - Aaron Maybin doesn't negotiate his contract. His agent does. Hope this helps!
  10. You're still race baiting and you don't even know what it is! WOWZERS! Great job! Questioning your intelligence isn't a "personal attack", however, you calling me a pedophile is. So report all you like. BTW, freaktoid is not a racist remark, YOU are a racist remark.
  11. **Go ahead TSW and rack this as a meltdown for me** My name? Seriously? 'jason268152' - 268152, is that the count of people who have told you how stupid you are? My avatar??? OMG, You blind brainless bat, it's Jim Carrey and it's from a movie, do you seriously even know what the sentence I just stated means? Which basically proves you aren't in med school because if you were, ANY KID under 30 has seen that movie. Way to continue to prove that people like you will be the fault for human extinction. You should see if UB has a refund policy The only thing you probably do all day is sniff your armpits for fun and try to come up with what you think is better but in reality dumber slime that you can spew. You have officially become the dumbest most complete imbecile to ever grace TSW. Congratulations reject. Honestly, riddle me this wannabe doctor, HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU MAKE IT THIS FAR IN LIFE? Please go back and look at how many times I have mentioned hookers, pedophiles, virgins, and handicapped kids which you referred to as 'retards'. It's all you can say because you have NO MERIT, NO INTELLIGENCE, and NO DECENCY. MELTDOWN! Dean and Caveman have not made any racist remarks towards you, you're race baiting because they've questioned your intellectual capacity which is virtually ZILCH! Maybe you should do us all a favor and start your own message board so you can attract others like you away from here! Hope this helps you illiterate freaktoid
  12. Or he talks about hookers, virgins, homosexuals, and... Makes you wonder, is there something?
  13. Tricks, mischief, stuff like that, I put them in the same category.
  14. Because Jeff Fisher is like that. He loves tricks and stuff like that.
  15. Intensity was lackluster on the defensive side last year IMO, I remember that.
  16. Yeah, but I wouldn't look too much into it. It could be vice-versa the next game. I hope the kinks come early so they can iron them out.
  17. Run-defense looked good, pass-defense not so good. Schobel was basically chop-blocked at the knees.
  18. I bet Chris Mortensen REALLY hates Buffalo now.
  19. Well, like I pointed out, it was their first time running it. And it is pre-season.
  20. You feel the entire team was going half-speed during the first series?
  21. I think some fans need to step back and "save it" and realize it's the first preseason game.
  22. We just started using the no-huddle offense, it's the first pre-season game, yet everyone wants to see Turk pull out all the stops. Oh brother. Trent looked great, threw the ball on the numbers, ran for a 1st down on 3rd and 3, the INT looked like miss-communication to me, haven't replayed it though. Defense looked good, special teams did not, so what. I doubt they did as much game planning for Tennessee as they did just running the things they wanted to run.
  23. Not in the slanderous way, I could have sworn judging be your posts you were in your 30's.
  24. Doctor.... What's your fascination with hookers, homosexuals, 'retards', virgins, and parent's basements? Is there something?
  25. It's pointless, really. I wonder if the ineptitude displayed from people such as 'jason268152' will one day be responsible for the extinction of humanity?
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