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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. Also, they went 9-4, 5 of their wins were against Memphis, Southeastern Louisiana, Vanderbilt, UAB, and Northern Arizona. Not to mention they lost to Mississippi State
  2. Jevan Snead is a 3rd rounder AT BEST.
  3. Even he doesn't come, I think the revolution of fans getting so disgusted that things like this will point out the monster ineptness with the front office. That goes for Modrak, Guy, Brandon, Wilson, and now Nix. Frankly, If I'm a Bills executive, this is a huge embarrassment.
  4. The billboard will go up! They got the money! http://www.buffalosportsdaily.com/donate/
  5. What does that mean? Nothing better than 100lb scoopers fighting like fairies.
  6. I agree, he gained my respect. He seems to like Buffalo.
  7. Lori, Certainly Cowher knows and hears all the speculation right now. What could be the reason not to release a statement and clear the air?
  8. The actual title of that article says he "could" be enticed by big offer. Doesn't say anything about actually BEING enticed.
  9. Who's to say Cowher takes us as a last resort. At this point, are you really going to be THAT picky considering who's running this whole operation?? I'd take Cowher or Harbaugh from Stanford like Sully said.
  10. http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Report...ills-again.html http://www.footballnewsnow.com/2010/report...-bills-tuesday/ Oh EastAurora.org.....
  11. And his private jet is a crop duster.
  12. You can tell even T.O. enjoyed Buffalo. I have to admit, I was surprised to not see him in a tantrum about losing or the alleged gloom of the city. Outside of it being cold, Buffalo is great. But it's just as cold in B-lo as in Pitt, Cincy, D.C., only not as windy. Summers are great in B-lo and the entire city is friendly. I'm from the south and I think Buffalo is just as hospitable as it is down south.
  13. Ha! There was no water, there wasn't even Gatorade. There was Kool-Aid and I think there was also nap time in some games.
  14. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/glazer-...-firings-010410
  15. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/glazer-...-firings-010410 Has this link been posted yet? Glazer disputing what Mort and Schefter are saying on Cowher. The link was updated at 8:43pm ET yesterday.
  16. I've let myself fall into the trap of thinking this could happen or at least should. Why God?
  17. I liked seeing Fewell and April on the sidelines during the games, their emotions were so high especially when good plays were made. They really seemed to be working together as a team on a lot of game decisions. I'd almost rather they stay over the idea of Billick as our HC.
  18. Well that's awesome.
  19. There's over 350 different media outlets reiterating Mort's report from this morning after he broke the story. That does NOT mean there were 350 meetings. Hope this helps...
  20. So, again, 9 year old child.. of ALLLLLLL media reporters, bloggers, fans out there, Adam Schefter and Chris Mortensen only get word of the 3rd meeting yet Coach Sal is the ONLY one reporting 3 meetings and the ONLY one to have any word or leaks about it? Child please.
  21. No, 9 year old child, Mort said they had a stealth meeting, nowhere did he mention "another meeting".
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