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Everything posted by extrahammer

  1. I think I would have busted the window open and jumped out.
  2. Tonight's episode is called "Recon" and Sawyer is slated to make a return. Locke trusts Sawyer with a mission.
  3. Just plug your computer to the big screen and pull up TSW.
  4. He did beat tough defenses and the Saints. Thoughts?
  5. Clausen seems more fiery than Bradford plus he's used to playing in cold weather.
  6. I think each episode this season has gotten better and better.
  7. That's probably one of the most interesting theories I've heard. And I think it would be a good ending as well. Kinda interesting last night how the handled the Kate/Sawyer thing. I think they've put it to rest as Sawyer is after Juliet, not Kate. And Kate was after Sawyer I think, but she got a cold dose of reality last night. Sorry to get all soapy.
  8. I miss the show '6 days til kickoff' or something like that on NFLN when it first came out. Takeo Spikes and the Bills were on one time and it was pretty cool. Not sure why they did away with it.
  9. Well, DirecTV currently has over 18 million subscribers, so...
  10. You, UConnJames, Jokeman, huey, and a few others make THIS THREAD really good as well. Btw.. Tonight's episode is called "What Kate Does"...
  11. That's the thing right there. Whether you like Berman or not, if he jumps to the NFL Network, other sports personalities aren't going to think NFLN is just bush league anymore. And they will fight for the chance to sit next to Berman.
  12. They may have checked down a bit, but they were taking just as many shots with slant and deep patterns.
  13. The commercials were kinda lame this year too.
  14. Who in their right mind would want to play for Kiffin? I keep thinking this guy is going to go off the edge one day and we're going to see reports of him on the streets of Las Vegas in dirty clothes and smoking a cigar after he blew his entire savings with a stripper.
  15. The B-52's. Nickelback is bad. B-52's are worse.
  16. I agree with the lots of you, this was probably one of the best episodes since season 1. Definitely better than the premiere last year. I do have a question/thought on the Sayid Jacob matter. If Jacob turned into Sayid, where is Sayid's dead body? Wouldn't the rules be similar to that of MIB looking like Locke even though Locke's dead body is there on the island? Sayid just woke up...
  17. I've stayed at the Bellagio, the Palms, Planet Hollywood, and Casear's. By far my favorite was Planet Hollywood.
  18. Glad to see the OP put in his place.
  19. Ageism can work both ways. Hiring nothing but fellows over 70 years of age can be discrimination against younger guys who may have more qualifications, believe it or not.
  20. http://walterfootball.com/scoutingreport2010jclausen.php
  21. I think with a new regime, we need to change our ways. Draft a 1st round QB! We need a franchise player, a vocal leader, a legit Quarterback that has the size, mechanics, and toughness to be a great QB. After we get that, I do agree with you then we need to start building the OL. But we need a solid franchise QB.
  22. True that. I hate this move to hire Gailey. Absolutely hate it. Especially after the last few months with Ralph leading us on to get our hopes up. However, I can never stop being a fan of this team, I will continue to watch every game and hope for the best, but I won't be buying tickets or apparel until we are a contender.
  23. You can love something and still B word about it. Ever been married?
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