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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. I actually had that same idea. Thought we could save cap space and get a second or more
  2. All for it. Build Allen the eagles o line and we will dominate and everyone else will try and play defense. O line and d tackle as we have dbs for days
  3. It’s all about percentage of cap. Cap goes up contracts go up but percentage stays about the same
  4. no quite the opposite. It’s always funny libs hear these absurd conversations and those that mean right never hear them
  5. https://heavy.com/news/alvin-bragg-george-soros/amp/ first story popped on google. Bragg did get money from Soros so story is true
  6. You literally made up nazis putting recruiting posters on a trailhead. At least admit you made that up
  7. you and redtail should get together with your make believe stories
  8. 500k people crossing and 2 mil last year. It’s not sustainable at that level. US expansion should be the policy. Time for new territories
  9. they don’t want everyone out. They want regulated immigration not open borders.
  10. how about you do that since you imagine them putting flyers out at trailheads. congrats you’re supporting a guy reducing charges to anti semitic people. This is how the Nazis started.
  11. Reduced charges to an anti semite? Is he a nazi? @redtail hawk
  12. Somebody was a 30 rack deep and thought this was a good idea.
  13. yes to all of it. We have enough room in the jails for the 1-6 rioters we have enough for the blm ones too. Charge them and the future ones won’t do it. That’s the point of the justice system
  14. shouldn’t you hope they indict him because he committed a very serious crime? No matter the political affiliation?
  15. since she mentioned people being shot. She’s in San fran. People need to defend themselves
  16. hunter Biden illegally purchased a handgun and his wife put it in a garbage can across from a school. Shouldn’t he be charged? Why hasn’t he?
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