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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. No it won't. That's hyperbole. The only one's causing the deaths are the people creating all this stress and drama over these trans issues. Nobody is saying don't get therapy just don't use the permanent body altering drugs and surgeries on the kids.
  2. https://segm.org/ajp_correction_2020 In October 2019, the American Journal of Psychiatry (AJP) published a study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and the Yale School of Public Health which reported that “gender-affirming" surgeries for gender dysphoric patients are associated with improved mental health outcomes (1). Looking at mental health utilization in the year 2015, a retrospective analysis showed that the more time passed since surgery, the fewer mental services were utilized by patients, with an average 8% reduction in mental health utilization for each year following surgery. From this, the study concluded that surgery has a beneficial effect on mental health, and that benefits continue to accrue over time. However, following a reanalysis of the data, this conclusion has now been officially corrected to indicate that there is “no advantage of surgery.” https://foxbaltimore.com/news/local/proposed-bill-would-prevent-anyone-under-25-with-being-charged-with-felony-murder The left....can't charge kids with crimes cause their brains aren't developed. Also left, kids can get permanent body surgery starting at age 12 cause their brains are totally developed to handle this. Make it make sense.
  3. How would any of this stop kids from killing themselves? Can you back that up with science? Because the only long term study done with these surgeries showed there was no decrease in suicide from having these surgeries. These hospitals want money and there is a lot of money in these surgeries. They are tripping over themselves to do them.
  4. The new rules require this person to be cancelled immediately. Protest the school, cancel the school. etc. Why the double standard? Why allow an apology? Why no doxing of the person and stalking them at their home and have them fired from their job? These are the new rules after all. The only reason this was even caught was a video got out. Here's what should be done. No drag shows for kids, no puberty blockers for kids, no surgeries for kids, play the sport of the gender you were born with. Very simple reasonable rules we can all live by and move on from this.
  5. He's due 45 mil that year so i doubt he retires
  6. https://torontosun.com/news/weird/drag-queen-lap-dance-on-student-prompts-school-to-change-rules-around-underage-shows A North Carolina community college is “revising” its rules around underage drag shows following a recent incident involving a student getting a lap dance, according to reports. Student was 15. This was during the day at a school. Appropriate?
  7. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stabbing-death-tech-executive-unleashes-170845014.html Bob Lee, the 43-year-old founder of Cash App and a former executive at Square (now Block), was stabbed to death early Tuesday morning in downtown San Francisco. Officers responded at 2:35 a.m. to a call reporting the stabbing and found Lee, who was visiting the city after having recently moved to Miami, according to NBC Bay Area. He was declared dead shortly after he was taken to the hospital, per a statement from San Francisco police. No arrests have been made, and police haven’t released any details about a potential suspect. After Lee’s death was reported, an outpouring of grief and remembrances for the tech executive, who also was the chief product officer at crypto startup MobileCoin, flooded social media. And along with the grief came a flood of anger over the state of San Francisco, which tech leaders have previously called the “worst run city in the United States.”
  8. He was the highest paid wr in the league at the time of his chiefs contract wasnt he?
  9. https://twitter.com/endwokeness/status/1643650292842364929?s=46&t=WfwBbfFkRiZZWCMxTdpkOw new rule of law incoming
  10. Whoa why the animosity here? You’re getting out of control.
  11. I tend to see things in a matter of seriousness. Trump paid a hooker...omg. If you want to bring up Hillary then ask how many people died in the Benghazi incident? What's the more serious crime in need of looking into?
  12. 100 percent. Biden been in public office for decades, uses his son to hide money in shady chinese and ukrainian business dealings and is the sitting president. but sure a guy paid his escort 100k is something we should totally give a ***** about.
  13. correct. the verified laptop. the laptop if you deny it's existence means you're a certifiable crazy person
  14. Lying on the form to buy a firearm if not being on drugs, disposing of the weapon in a school dumpster. Start there Are you being purposely ignorant on his crimes?
  15. Wonder why he hasn’t been arrested? The crimes are in plain sight but nothing done. Far more serious than what Donald has done here.
  16. If that were true hunter would be in jail for his crimes and joe would for directing the secret service to cover up his crimes along with the financial fraud related to the business dealings
  17. Tight ends can be tough to draft so I’m gonna go wide receiver for the better chance at success
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