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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. the right said books describe kids sucking dick shouldn’t be in school the left said they should and kept them there the right went hard and decided to criminalize it. the left had their chance to get the books out so these are the consequences
  2. Great response. This is the type of intellectual rigor I’ve come to expect from you
  3. https://nypost.com/2022/06/11/over-200k-being-spent-on-drag-queen-shows-at-nyc-schools/amp/ over the past few days you’ve been proven wrong on everything we’ve discussed.
  4. because they keep putting it in schools. If the admins disagree or anyone disagrees with it you get called transphobic and get fired. You realize you cannot disagree with them in any way without getting called transphobic?
  5. when did they become child entertainers? Lol. The left suddenly became obsessed with having drag shows everywhere. Went from just the usual local drag shows at gay bars or whatever where nobody bothered them. now everywhere so no wonder you have them getting push back. Leave them out of the schools and there are no issues what is the harm in that? Why do they need to be in schools?
  6. why even have the drag shows in schools in the first place? Just leave them out. Simple fix. They can have them all they want outside of schools. Nobody had a problem with them before outside the schools
  7. there is a bill out there supporting securing school. We’ve sent hundreds of billions no questions asked to Ukraine we can afford to secure our schools.
  8. nobody is enforcing them. I find it funny that when these parents start reading from the books that they can’t broadcast them on local television but they’re according to you appropriate for children. Make it make sense
  9. Brains don’t stop developing until your 20s yet somehow these kids can make informed decisions on permanent body disfigurement.
  10. I’ve always wondered if delusional people know they’re delusional. Do you realize you should be on meds?
  11. At least you finally admitted it. Unstable people are arrested for things. Like people who manufacture the existence of nazis who hike.
  12. You mean a meaningless culture war such as making up nazi recruiting posters? I agree we shouldn’t do these things but there are people doing these things and for the life of I do not understand why
  13. why didn’t she visit the victims? Who are the victims?
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