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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. For anyone thinking we should sign him look at what happened to Mante Teo. That guy was a stud player before and after his head got screwed with he was never the same.
  2. i actually tried googling neo nazis and jef schoep came up and his group is dead and he hadthe largest one. So it seems the opposite is happening despite what you say. I'd be very open to learning more though. You also said that conservatives have the problem of being violent but why do you never realize the amount of mass shootings that occur on a daily basis not based in conservative politics? why don't youlearn about that? https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting you realize you do this every time there is a shooting right? you claim one side has a problem. we point out the facts and then we repeat the conversation. why don't you learn more about the topic instead of having stupid hot takes? you will look smarter and will in fact be smarter
  3. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2017-08-14/the-kkk-is-still-based-in-22-states-in-the-us-in-2017 roughyl 3000 members give or take right now. totally exploding with members. do you want to talk facts based in reality?
  4. The victims attorney went nuclear in this situation. I can understand wanting to defend to client but holy ***** this guy went so far over the top. He should be reprimanded at minimum for how he handled this. at the same time this girl was just going go to guys at the party taking leaks in the yard and was apparently like…well your dick is already out let’s go! What an insane story
  5. I would imagine since she's underage he could go after her parents and their assets in this situation right?
  6. it's interesting he mentions the graphic video showed to them which was so awful cause it apparently showed her consenting.
  7. Are you saying there aren't ukrianian nazis? i've said more mental health treatment is needed in this country. more asylums where they lock these people away when they can't function in society.
  8. How in the hell did that reporter find that website? I mean this guy sees a mexican nazi and is searching russian social media accounts? Nazis are more of a Ukrainian thing in reality but where are his twitter, facebook, insta etc accounts? Mexican nazis lol. I mean Hitler would have put Mexican nazis right in the ovens! Where was this type of investigation into the nasvhille shooter btw? The only narrative we get there is that we used the wrong pronouns.
  9. You just swallow made up narratives that contradict themselves. Like a white nationalist being not white you dumbass
  10. Keep going I’m dying laughing man. You’re the dumbest ***** alive it’s great
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