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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. He's black. if he was white he'd be charged. You can't charge a black guy you'd piss off both sides of the aisle. Although I would absolutely love the reaction.
  2. Did you pay attention those four years? Clearly you did not cause that's complete bs.
  3. you know what we wanted? Him to have a fair chance at leading after he won a fair election. But the dems couldn’t give him that. Ran a fraudulent investigation and gaslit the entire country and just tore it apart.
  4. Who wants to? Nobody. But you know that. You guys bought into every narrative of smoing guns for four years and now that all that ***** has popped your sae space bubble you have nothing left. you overthrew his entire presidency because you lost a fair eleciton
  5. You supported them so yes you took part in it. The enemy of democracy
  6. Sorry man that’s tough. We lost our puggle in December. She was 14 and it was tough. Funny thing was I was ok the first couple months maybe cause we put her down as she was in pain. Then out of nowhere I was missing the hell out of her. Just all these little things reminding me. My pit is coming up on 12 or so and he’s still doing good but it will kill me when he goes. He’s been with me through so much.
  7. biden has done nothing but make everything worse. His entire term has been a nightmare. Much of your opinion is based on the entire media and the democrat lie of collusion. Now you’re just attempting to cope with the fact that your were so blatantly lied to for years and can’t accept it.
  8. And the entire Russian collusion hoax was four years of the dems claiming the election was stolen by the Russians. You took part in the overthrow of trumps presidency by attempting to have him arrested inside the white house. don't act like you're some innocent party here doing the lord's work of saving democracy. You took part in destroying it. I've asked others this question here....what did you think the consequences of four years of fake investigations and claiming trump was a russian asset would be? did you think people would just forget about it? give me a ***** break.
  9. lol man i can't imagine living in that brain of yours. just a struggle bus
  10. Once again. The left claimed he was a traitor, that the Russians and him colluded to fix the election and would put him in prison for that. Constant reports on cnn that the smoking gun was coming and he'd be led out of the white house in handcuffs. Trump is no saint and i've never claimed that. But again, I'll ask you...did you think running a false investigation for years that tore his presidency and the country apart would have low impact consequences? Rub two brain cells together and think about that. Try for one time to think for yourself.
  11. what are you thoughts on these election deniers? Also, so you think doing a sham years long investigation where they ran stories of a sitting president colluding with Russia which turned out to be false would have no consequences? You can't be this naive
  12. why do you think jan 6 occurred? Four years of gaslighting the country and calling your politcal enemies traitors despite no evidence what do you think the consequences would be? The dems literally hijacked a rightfully elected president, no matter your opinion on him, and tore the country apart to take him down just because they lost an election. Things like Jan 6 were consequences of that. Don't pretend to be some innocent party here. Step back and look at the big picture
  13. You’re a useful idiot. Just can’t have a free thought. Step back and realize what happened.
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