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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Joe Biden and the crime bill and the drug bill...both of which imprisoned minorities at an incredibly high rate over white people. This has lead to these problems today. And the left must just want it to happen. It's the only reasonable conclusion.
  2. Here's what I know about the left under Biden. They enjoy imprisoning minorities and watching them murder each other in the streets. At this point I see no other answer for why these minorities keep doing this and the left just ignores it. They want it to happen.
  3. so we should know all about biden and all his docs as well right? good deal
  4. rv parks employ quite a few seniors and you get to live in some pretty sweet places if you have an rv. people go place to place
  5. aristocrat


    No, get a private tour outside of the one at the cemetery. They take you all around to different places in a van. There is a decent amount to see. If you have time spend a night in bayeaux they have hotels where the windows open up to the street and you can hang out like the people did during the parades as we liberated the region. Like a Time Machine our tour was booked through viator
  6. aristocrat


    make sure you get a tour guide. they will drive you around and show you a lot of things that are just kind of buried all around the area. You will be impressed with how perfect they keep that place for those boys. I swear there wasn't a blade of grass out of place.
  7. How many times had biden lied, cheated with his bribes he's taken, and sexually abused that girl in the 90s and all the little kids?
  8. 90 percent of his posts are about trump. 1 percent of mine or less have been about Clinton. Nice try though
  9. who's done a worse job? the guy who created the drug bill and the crime bill that wrongly imprisoned minorities and created the problems minorities have or trump? you voted for someone who has ruined countless minorities lives and are going to vote him in again. just racist
  10. trump just lives rent free in that brain of yours
  11. My wife is a pats fan. At both kids baby showers people attempted to troll me by buying pats baby gear which ended up in a bon fire that night. in all seriousness I actually used to have this lady from a bills backer bar who would stain decks id build on renovations I did. She was a legit crack head but ***** could she stain a deck. She could barely function in society but was somehow a painting savant. Her hands would shake when not painting but steady as can be when painting
  12. yes, when the government pushes to far there is a revolution. Completely agree. But they never just go all the way they slowly take away rights. This is part of that. You’ll be the nazi after the war going…we didn’t think it would get this bad we just ignored it and told everyone it didn’t exist
  13. It’s the start of it. Dip the toes in the water. What does it do? The poors get lower returns but are bullied into for fear of being called bigots. Meanwhile the wealthy take advantage and the wealth disparity grows. was my claim a little exaggerated? Yes. But the fact the rule exists is insane and the direction is crystal clear. But I’ve always had self directed retirement accounts. Well not always after 3-4 years of flat returns I went that route and it’s been very nice.
  14. Yikes. He better get better quick
  15. https://nypost.com/2022/12/06/team-bidens-401k-heist-could-raid-your-retirement-for-a-woke-agenda/amp/
  16. youre 401k is not allowed to invest in companies with low social credit scores. That’s about 40 trillion dollars in us retirement accounts
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