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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. well he was claiming that being trans wasn’t a mental health issue. But then he said some might have it and some might not. But somehow he still claims a moral high ground. He works at an institution of higher learning which tells you all you need to know of the quality of education in this country.
  2. Trans was considered a mental illness until a few years ago. They only changed it because of the stigma of mental illness. They didn’t change it because of any scientific evidence. Again, they have no idea what causes it. It very well could be a mental illness. Which is ok btw cause lots of people have issues. Many people de transition so I’d argue that it is something in their brain. again, you are claiming moral superiority but you still have no idea what causes it. Everyone is guessing. You are no more right than I am.
  3. how do you know you can be trans and not have mental problems? They have no idea what the cause of being trans is. Do not pretend to know what the cause is.
  4. Here’s the funny thing about parts of the movement. Nobody has any idea what causes a person to be trans. Nobody. we have apps for mental health and all these places you can go if you need mental health. But the second you suggest that a trans person has mental health problems you’re trans phobic. Let’s let teenagers cut their body apart so they don’t kill themselves. Is that a normal way to handle a condition we have no idea what the root cause is?
  5. what does trump have to do with what he said? Please explain very clearly
  6. when you need to defend yourself what would be a better tool than a stick?
  7. Paris might be the most overrated city of all time. Only time I’ve ever seen a human take a poop in the street and a chick pull baggies of drugs from her vag. Hit the Eiffel Tower, the louvre and the get out and see versaille, mont st michel and Normandy. Normandy will change your life
  8. Feel like all I’ve seen the last few years is riots over there
  9. You’re the first person I thought would do that. Hilarious
  10. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting This is what is so funny about you. You make all these statements about this stuff and it's without zero knowledge on the stuff. Look at all these shootings. The first one is a 4 victims, 2 dead who all are african american. The cops don't have a suspect but they did say they don't know who was shooting at who. The vast majority of these mass shootings are these types of incidents. Group of kids get into a fight and someone shoots a few people. CNN loves to run the headline of something like 1000 mass shootings this year and you eat it up as if it's all done by the right wing god lovers. You make yourself look dumber and dumber each time. Funny thing is I show you the website every time someone makes your same comment and still you never learn the context behind mass shootings. Jesus
  11. Problem is the family has very little resources to get the guy help. He was just the regular mentally ill homeless guy. We need to have more asylums for these people to be put in. Over in europe they have them and they seem to do ok. The drug companies convinced us that if we just medicated everyone the problems would be solved. A dog I rescued a few years back was owned by this guy who had dual irish/american citizenship. He was friends with nurse that worked with my wife. He was a drug addict so the girl and his mother came up with a plan to get him back to ireland so he could be INvoluntarily commited to a facility. So I show up in my truck to pick the dog up and the guy is like...yea, i'm going back to ireland to get a new start and it's gonna be nice and all that. In my head im like man you have no idea whats about to happen. His mother had the hospital employees waiting at the airport for him. We need more of that. By some miracle my wife actually rehomed the dog to a family that never owned a dog and jumped into owning a 90 lb pit bull. The dog was the biggest baby ever and I baby sat that dog when they would go on vacations for 2-3 years.
  12. have you reported your nazi hikers to the splc? It’s right up their alley. Fake hate groups but they’d love to fear monger enough people into donating
  13. The moms are calling the left nazis in this scenario. As in the left is trying to control the children.
  14. Buy up to a four plex and you can have no mortgage
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