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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. What if there is a large group of people who believe Biden believe he is a threat to democracy and freedom for everyone?
  2. so tourists can just bring any powdery substance into what should be the most secure building in the world? How in the hell did they give you a security clearance with an iq of a potato?
  3. hang on. How is this Ron’s fault? He’s not producing the films
  4. Dude stole a lot more money than I thought. I mean he walked out with 6 figures a few times. I didn’t think you could pull that off these days.
  5. hey. I’m just guessing. If they were actual toddlers I don’t think there is any way he gets this kind of deal. I mean if it came out that the prosecutor gave a favorable deal to a guy abusing kids he’d never get a job again. I’m guessing the context behind the pictures is different than the quotes about the pictures. At least that’s what makes sense to me
  6. So he was 19and they said the pictures were a year old. My guess would be the girls were 17 or so. Good buddy of mine was a meck county school cop. On a weekly basis he would go to parents houses and talk to parents of kids sending nude pics and let them know he could technically arrest them for child porn distribution. A principal emailed him pictures of a girl one time cause she was just sending pictures to anyone and he had to explain to the principal he could arrest him. The ***** he would tell me was insane.
  7. nice. Sending over munitions banned in much of the world cause they tend to kill civilians. hand up if you’re down with war crimes!
  8. Dude apparently swings with an absolute hanmer
  9. Oh Jesus. The kid was a warrior. Just no words. Father needs our prayers
  10. there is talent in not doing your job but being able to keep it
  11. Are there not enough gay friendly web site designers?
  12. true. It’s all virtue signaling. They just want to seem like they’re better than us despite knowing nothing of the subject.
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