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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. How bout this? Blm apologizes for the billions in damage and dozens dead during the riots? They do that and see if aldean apologizes
  2. what do they have to apologize for? Not knowing about something that happened 150 years ago or whenever? Is that a thing now?
  3. Did they know the courhouse was the location of a lynching? If they didn't the video isn't racist. Wall street NYC had a slave market does that mean every video filmed there is racist? You support Joe.You support Hunter. They go hand in hand especially when you claim they have not done business together. Lying on a gun form is a felony and jail time unless you're hunter who got no felonies and no jail time cause of who is father is. Since you support them you support the ability to lie on the form in order to illegally obtain firearms.
  4. you cannot lie on the form. This is what your best friend hunter Biden did. Although he should have received jail time for it. Because you support joe Biden and the criminals they are he received little punishment. You voted for this
  5. by law you cannot buy a weapon if you’re on drugs. ***** learn something
  6. You keep amazing me with your hilariously dumb takes. It’s a new low every time
  7. do you honestly believe joe wasn’t taking bribes? all these politicians trading stocks on insider info and taking lobbying money etc and you actually believe joe is ethical? Come on. Democrats claim to be these people you can trust and that they are always looking out for you. Bs and that’s why I dint trust any of them. The republicans don’t claim to be that and that’s why I can trust them 1 percent more than the dems. None of them would piss on you if you were on fire.
  8. Transphobic by definition. Thems the rules. Your words are creating literal violence towards them
  9. I don’t make the rules. By definition you are anti trans
  10. men can get pregnant you transphobic #######. It’s 2023 men can now get pregnant.
  11. whats the problem? you spent four years claiming russia rigged the 16 election in trumps favor, set up fake investigations that tore the country apart, then rioted which killed dozens and caused billions in damage and you wonder why 1-6 happens? 1-6 didn't just happen in a vacuum. Your party sewed the seed that the elections were not secure and you saw the result of that.
  12. We have to move to russia cause your guy is corrupt?
  13. can you point out to where I supported Jan 6? I bet you can’t
  14. did you support the protests when blm caused 3 billion in damage and two dozen dead? Would you have supported them if they stormed the capitol of the fed security hadn’t lined the steps to protect it?
  15. And people buy them. Years ago when we sold out last house we actually sold all our mattresses. Granted it was like 50 bucks each but I was so grossed out. They were decent mattresses but 4-5 years old and the people that got them were pretty normal.
  16. Do those tempur pedic beds that incline actually stop you from snoring? we thought we had an ok mattress but the old lady slept like *****. Then we had a custom mattress made and we’ve never slept better. I sleep straight through the night which is something I had never done in my life. Ours was only 2200 bucks or so. Good sleep is worth unlimited money
  17. so you don’t want the bidens to be better than trump? It seems melania has forgive don for his transgressions while the bidens won’t acknowledge a baby.
  18. He acknowledges all the other grandkids. Even Jill doesn’t acknowledge the kid. Tells you all you need to know
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