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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. The banks have ever Ivy League school employee working for them. They didn’t have to accept his appraisals. They can say no but they wanted his business. He didn’t default on the loan. The bank did their own appraisal and accepted his as well. To me that makes them liable to the fraud as well. Why aren’t they being charged?
  2. Because none of you spoke out as it was happening. Not saying anything when people are doing evil things is how the nazis came to power. Don’t be a nazi
  3. ***** the banks. They will do anything to screw you over. 08 crisis and nobody went to jail while millions lost homes. You on their side? That’s the wrong side
  4. Imagine it’s a trump Russia document and you’ll believe it wholeheartedly lol
  5. https://x.com/covidselect/status/1706812585050276152?s=46&t=WfwBbfFkRiZZWCMxTdpkOw
  6. Oh you all supported it. We know it. Saying nothing is the same as supporting it. That’s what blm said right? You’re just embarrassed getting called out for supporting maybe the single most amount of property damage and life lost outside of a natural disaster.
  7. Like I’ve said it’s amazing now years removed you can’t find anyone supporting them despite every lefty like you had their blm fb profiles and applauding them for rioting during a deadly pandemic. Where’s all those people? The stickers on the windows etc. makes me laugh.
  8. well when you have the cia paying off people to lie about the origins, being called racist for calling it the china virus or even suggesting they created it, fauci lying about funding the lab among the hundreds of other lies about the virus you tend to invite conspiracies and it’s pretty easy to believe any of them.
  9. it was created in a lab and yes i think there is a possibility it was used as a bioweapon. Maybe it started as a way for the chinese to control their own people and it got out of control or they saw how effective it was and let it loose to the world. This is the Chinese we're talking about. Who have quite the history of treating their own people quite poorly and with total disregard.
  10. it’s funny. During the riots every dem supported them. Now you can’t find one that says they did. Interesting isn’t it?
  11. where did I say it wasn’t worse than the common cold? Can you point that out?
  12. the Chinese currently have well over a million Uyghurs in concentration camps and have sterilized the women causing their population to free fall. Do you think the Chinese are above killing 120k of their own people? I’ve got some mars property to sell you. ***** hilarious
  13. They’ve gotta lot of work to do to compete with blm which you fully support
  14. Mike Evan’s would be a dream pickup for us if they trade him
  15. I can’t believe he didn’t get head coach job this year. He’s very good
  16. At what point does the lack of practice not an excuse? He’s been playing qb his entire life. Throws are way off
  17. isn’t the common cold part of the coronavirus family?
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