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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. The juice has expired
  2. It’s been two years with a stalemate. Are you willing to send us troops? You need to face the reality of the situation. Two years and how much money and weapons and the job isn’t close to being done.
  3. it’s been over two years and no end in sight.
  4. Are you ready to send our troops there?
  5. von and a 7th i doubt dallas says no
  6. shaq was supposedly 325 and edey is 300? I don’t think he weighs that much. Who knows though. He has no touch around the rim
  7. I am 90 percent yes with the other 10 percent also yes.
  8. We need a safety. But he’s probably a camp body at this point. Guy has spent half his career on it. He has played both guard and tackle so could be good depth if he’s actually healthy
  9. i'd have some nice comfy chairs, lots of tvs, maybe a shuffleboard table, card table and definitely a good size fridge with some beverages. That sounds like a nice room
  10. hoping we can sign justin simmons somehow so we can really double dip on wide receivers in this draft with the defense all set. would love a trade up for brian thomas and see who is left in the second round
  11. Damn that’s sad. Prayers to his family
  12. I didn’t say he’d go to jail but he will be arrested if he was the driver. If no injuries likely loss of license and probation perhaps. You claimed he wouldn’t be arrested
  13. It is a felony hit and run if no bodily harm in Texas. Third degree felony if it caused any injuries. 10k fine and up to 10 years in jail. So yes he will be arrested if he was driving.
  14. Houston does not have a first rounder. commanders give us their first second rounder. We use our first and their second to get up if one of the big 3 wrs fall past ten
  15. the keys to cooking steak are letting them get to close to room temp before you cook, starting with a hot grill or pan and resting after. I’m sure you know but they continue to cook during the resting
  16. the liberal movement just seems to exist for whatever the most recent offended class they create and creating new climate crises. I’m just genuinely not sure what they actually want to achieve as it changes every few years.
  17. yes, only the republicans exist to help the billionaires. I needed a good laugh. Thank you
  18. No way not again.
  19. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/women-team-five-transgender-players-134934772.html Since winning Sunday’s final in Sydney, Australia, 4-0, it has emerged that organisers had earlier held a crisis meeting, during which rival teams were warned that forfeiting games against the Bats would result in disciplinary action and could even be viewed as “an act of discrimination”. The same meeting included accusations that a 6ft 2in, 14st Bats player had once broken the leg of 5ft 6in, nine-and-a-half stone opponent in two places and claims 24 of the injured player’s team-mates had quit because they did not want to face the LGBTQ+ side.
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