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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. We need one team to take Allen and one team to skip qb. Then we’re in business
  2. man if the browns don't know who they want by know they have some serious issues
  3. Give up next years First for the trade up for Rosen. 22 lb, two seconds are guard and right tackle. Rb and dt in the third. Playoffs
  4. If we trade with colts I think they want next years first rather than this years seconds. But if it’s broncos I think they want this years picks. Thing is if we get solid players with those seconds and the other first along with nailing the qb pick we are a playoff hunt team and it’s a later First pick. I do that all day
  5. Sounds like he’s gonna be ours for just a little more than the 12 pick. Maybe just a third
  6. Trade up with Giants and get ereck flowers back. He was solid on the right side but a train wreck on the left. They want to move on and we need o line.
  7. The colts have three seconds this year right? Do they really want 5? I’d say a second this year and one next year.
  8. Our run game is going to need some help. Shady was our entire offense last year. Cj Anderson or a high rb pick is needed. If we can get an Alvin kamara type our offense will look good.
  9. If the guy has the work ethic and a smart coach he can be be a star. Vick never had the work ethic by his own admission never watching video until he got to eagles
  10. We need two things to happen this week. Allen to go top five and one team to skip qb. Then we get a nice qb prospect. This is that scenario
  11. Guy attempted the second most passes among top ten qbs in this draft to his second and third reads this past year. Kind of shuts the people up that think he’s a run first qb. Kid has the highest ceiling in the world
  12. Hes a better prospect than Vick was and to compare him to tyrod is just dumb. Not even in the same universe. If a coach can use him correctly the kid can be a star.
  13. For the people who think he is run first Jackson has the second most throws to his second and third reads out of the top ten qbs in this draft.
  14. If shady loses a step we have very little offense. Cj Anderson would be such a great pickup
  15. remember we can flex. i wonder if the jags or the lions game gets flexed?
  16. Hopefully the browns take baker. Jets take sam and we get Rosen. Sam in ny throwing pick sixes all year to our secondary
  17. Well let’s hope we get the arod or Brady next week
  18. In the division I agree but I won’t call the fifth win against the pats even though I like the bye week before the mnf game.
  19. Tyrod won’t lose Cleveland games and that alone will get them 6-7 wins. If that defense can get a couple more playmakers look out
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