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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. well thats more on allen and not getting to the red zone right?
  2. john brown has been one of the best wr's in the red zone the past few years despite his size. the falcons are the worst team in the red zone even with all that size
  3. i think people get too focused on size when we can add another guy who can get separation and get yards. If it's working for Allen get him more of the same guys.
  4. they are fast, catch balls and put up yards. it's what wr's do.
  5. cause benjamin worked so well. but he is available
  6. somebody tell lee smith if he has another penalty he rides home in the wheel well of the plane
  7. that doesn't make sense. he has speed and is healthy. he somehow manages to put up great numbers despite his height. he'd be an upgrade to our current wr corps and nobody is trading julio or hopkins.
  8. I was a children's baby and was something like 11 weeks early and all I heard my entire life was how good Childrens hospital was to my family.
  9. Titans play that conservative game of don’t turn the ball over and you got a shot at winning.
  10. Props to the guy who said on air that daboll should have kicked allen's ***** ass. hilarious f word btw
  11. Titans got shutdown vs jags and indy. Our defense should be able to shut marcus down and if we can have no turnovers we should win this.
  12. besides allen did we get out of the game injury free?
  13. have all of allen's int's been to the same side of the field? except for the pick six of course. all year he's been overthrowing guys so he tries to get the ball in a place for his to make a play but got picked and then he went back to overthrowing
  14. so what are the odds he plays next week? jogging to the locker room he seemed with it but the next day is usually the worst right?
  15. Brady looked as bad as Josh yesterday. The td drive showed me the flash of greatness that Josh can pull off so we need more of that. Josh is making throws that I was told before the draft that he would never be able to make. He's growing and learning and for at least some time he can be a guy that can get us wins but obviously he has got to stop the int's. The frustrating part is that it seems the int's are all the same throw on the same side of the field right?
  16. no. defer and force 3 and out take the lead and then bury them at halftime
  17. that's a huge lie. ernie adams is widely considered the pats guy with that. but they've never said what he actually does. the pats have been ahead of everyone with how their offense is used with the quick throws and screens and getting away from the run game.
  18. he doesnt get rid of it lightning fast every play. there are plays where he has to go through reads and if he gets pressure he throws picks. those are the plays we need to win this game
  19. how has their center looked? we always seem to get pressure around the ends but tom steps up. their starter is out so i'm curious if we can get in toms face and make him uncomfortable.
  20. at the moment cousins isn't throwing much and they're winning running the ball well. they will need all the weapons they can get in that division so i dont see it happening.
  21. jeez are they gonna have to borrow a tackle from us?
  22. Singletary is stretching with his helmet on so we have some progress is would seem
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