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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. baker had a passer rating of 13. if you spike the ball you get a rating of 39
  2. that's classic. baker certainly getting it back as hard as he gave it out.
  3. let's worry about not collapsing at this point because we've all seen these fast starts before. allen would need to start finishing drives without picks and putting up more tds for me to start thinking we could make a run. imagine this defense not having to worry about giving up a lead?
  4. i feel like the offense is spinning it's wheels a bit and at some point the wheels will get some traction and take off. Every game I think Allen has had one of those perfect 6-6 for 60 yard drives and a td where you're like...did he really just do that? If Duke turns into a real weapon and singletary comes back healthy we could be looking at more of those drives. thats what's holding me back from thinking we're a top 3 team. the potential is certainly right there
  5. I mean he had to think his guy would hit one right? guy needs to bury those cleats somewhere
  6. duke caught all 4 balls thrown to him. refreshing
  7. looks like he didn't warm up before. he'll get it right the next time
  8. o line needs help and if singletary cant get the hammy right we need a rb. tight end might be a need honestly
  9. weed is destroying more young peoples lives than anything before
  10. What high school did you go to? I was a lightweight 140 in high school but didn’t have grades for an Ivy League school.
  11. how important it is to have the coach and gm on the same page. that's a tire fire now and even the new gm coach may not want him
  12. gotta beat the bad or average teams and compete with the big boys. i had this game as a win and i fully expected a 5-1 start and that we could hang on down the stretch.
  13. most guys want to get traded cause they want to get paid. he got paid. i dont see beane pulling a houston and giving up multiple firsts or seconds for the guy. he's good but he's not top 5 in the league good. He's probably top 15 right outside top 10. Be tough to sell me unless the vikings think zays value is actually a 2nd and we give them him and another 2nd or something. zays value probably isnt a second right now.
  14. Diggs was the best wr in the red zone in 2017 so if people are worried about His height forget that argument
  15. They have a few guys on ir and only two can. Come back
  16. Sanders leads the league in red zone targets and has 5 catches and tds. Tds only behind ty hilton , golladay, Williamson and tied with a few guys. He’s a legit red zone target
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