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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. rivera dealt with an oft injured qb in cam in a division that has brees and ryan. defenses were always top notch until they made the ridiculous decision to switch to a 3-4 this year. they could never replace josh norman after he left and the defense felt that.
  2. i think kenyan drake would be a better signing and more affordable. runs well and catches too.
  3. cincy needs to sign green. then spend the rest of the draft picks on defense cause they have none.
  4. all hail our corporate overlords. screw the common man trying to make a buck
  5. he's now doing promotions for them so they have come to an agreement it seems
  6. damn i was writing somthing else and left it in there. so you'd have to entertain the idea that the bills saw real return on their valuable dollars by showing this video correct? could have worked could have failed but someone said hey let's spend some money in this campaign with this guy. someone who has made a career out of ads.
  7. so why did the bills use it? their million dollar pr department clearly thought it would help. you're thesis makes no sense
  8. clearly you've never seen a fucillo commercial and that guy seems to be killing it
  9. yea who owns the video at this point? the tv station 25 years later? the bills might have bought it. guy is trying to sell shirts and stuff but might have overthought his actual demand.
  10. Can he lobby the union to tell the league to give him a suspension? If it's less than 4 games he could in the super bowl
  11. the saints have a million in cap space and are over next year. how in the world do they do this?
  12. saints going for a super bowl. they can control him for a month don't ya think?
  13. In the emergency room with my Dad. I was 6 and little brother was 3 i think and jumped into my dad's arms after the safety so i jumped onto my brothers back which sent his two front teeth into my dad's eyebrow. bunch of stitches later and we watched from mt st mary's er. the following year we had refinished our basement and we had a party so i was downstairs watching the game and the adults upstairs. not sure which play but i ran upstairs to celebrate and my dad ran from the living room to kitchen and i swung that basement door open and my poor dad was knocked the hell out.
  14. we should be making moves for a olb, right tackle and wr. unless the rams are giving him up for a second and say the rights to shaq which i doubt then i'd pass.
  15. titans beat the chiefs earlier this year with mahomes throwing for a gazillion yards. they'd be a tough out for anyone. tanny isn't as bad as people think
  16. one thing i'd like to know is the amount of screens we run compared to the rest of the league. those pad the comp percentage type plays. i don't think we run one in the pats game. blows my mind cause they killed us with those.
  17. so ended up the second seed after losing in the final week of the season. get into the playoffs and over the two week period i lost by half a frigging point.
  18. got some first rounders which is nice but they need a qb
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