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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. They must be the guys you imagined putting up posters in the woods.
  2. So if we traded for him after this week his cap hit would be about 10.3 mil. Is there any contract we could rework to get an extra 7 mil? If we take on the money I’d rather get him for a third that becomes a second if we make the Super Bowl or something
  3. Just ok with trafficking minor girls I guess. Weird hill to for roundy to die on
  4. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/colorado/news/colorado-law-firm-report-claims-venezuelan-gang-stranglehold-apartments-takeover-began-2023/
  5. It’s literally a true story. Are you actually claiming it didn’t happen? This is gonna be good
  6. Last week 3 dpi against Jefferson
  7. Still going with the debunked stories are ya? Bold move cotton let’s see if it works out for ya
  8. Josh the last couple years has one bad game against the jets and one good one. Let’s hope tonight is the good one.
  9. It’s talent. Our wide receivers are a joke.
  10. I’m more embarrassed for you to be honest
  11. Hutchinson injury was just brutal. Poor guy
  12. Just want to be clear. Nobody should be trying to assassinate trump right? or any one?
  13. FBI gotta do better recruiting
  14. he was a guy I think in the first year didn’t do analytics and now is the most aggressive guy on fourth downs. They are very good and are the team to beat in the nfc maybe the league
  15. Yes, violent right winger who went to ucla and wanted to kill trump. Ok
  16. Except there was a report that came out showing how many criminals have in fact come here lol. So you agree we should not let the criminals come here and deport the ones who have made it in?
  17. No, but when you have these third world countries where crimes are particularly gruesome what happens when the criminals decide to leave and come here? Or if their country just deports them here?Do they suddenly stop being sociopaths? how many news stories from Mexico and other countries have you seen where the police find mass graves of people with heads cut off, or heads on spikes and people hung from bridges? Hell last week a police chief in Mexico had his head cut off. unfortunately these countries aren’t as civilized as we are here. Is it everyone down there? No. But a good amount are not. That’s why it’s pretty important we do not import the ones that aren’t civilized.
  18. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Chérizier#:~:text=Jimmy "Barbecue" Chérizier is the,described federation of rebel groups. most powerful guy in Haiti right now who’s known to barbecue people.
  19. Some team offered two firsts for Brian burns and the dumb panthers turned it down lol. Diggs and aj brown took a first so I’d say that’s what it would take. The Seahawks should start the rebuild
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