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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. will be interesting post draft to see what free agents who have verbal agreements but haven't passed physicals end up getting released? gonna be a complicated situation
  2. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2020/04/02/826105278/ventilators-are-no-panacea-for-critically-ill-covid-19-patients Hapless what are your thoughts on this? What are my thoughts on this? I saw this a couple days ago and it took me a bit to unsnarl my thoughts to give a more-or-less reasoned response. Ventilators for patients in the throes of viral infection have always been a bit of a hail-Mary pass. In an acute injury or post-surgery, they provide time for healing; with a bacterial infection they provide time for antibiotics to take hold. For a viral infection, if there's an effective antiviral, Same, but otherwise it's a race against time. Does the patient recover faster than they develop complications from the effects of the ventilation or secondary infections? As I understand it, overall in China their experience was people who wound up in ICU on ventilators were 50-50 if they recovered or not. If they did recover, it took a long time - 2 to 4 weeks. I think the referenced initial study from Wuhan was early on, and they improved outcomes as the outbreak went on. So I'm not sure about the statistics there. Here is a study from UK where so far they are running 1/3 wean and leave, 2/3 fatalities for ventilated patients (but many not yet resolved, still in ICU): https://ricochet.com/742120/covid-19-data-survival-rates-for-patients-on-ventilators/ Factors: 1) The saturated health care system in NYC currently. They are only hospitalizing the most severely ill patients and sending the others home with instructions to return if they meet certain critera. By the time those sent home meet the criteria and return, they may already be in such respiratory distress as to require immediate ventilator treatment. Several therapeutic windows that might keep them from needing ventilation are already lost - windows to try a clinical trial for an antiviral medication, or immune plasma, windows to see if improved oxygenation and hydration will improve outcome, and a window to test for and treat/manage cytokine storm (There is a simple, inexpensive blood test for this, ferritin, and if any of you have a seriously ill family member be sure to ask the results of this test. But do not ask for the test before they are showing respiratory symptoms, false negative may occur). If the patient comes in with lungs already severely damaged from covid-19 or already in the throes of cytokine storm, there is little to do but support them and wait. Either they will heal or they won't. They can be treated to contain cytokine storm or treat sepsis, but if damage exists, it won't be reversed, it must wait to heal itself or not. 2) How is the ventilator being used? The current standard of care is to treat as acute respiratory distress syndrome. There is some evidence suggesting that covid-19 damaged lungs are sensitive and require lower pressure settings than are standard. I do not know how clear this evidence is or how widespread use of lower pressure settings are becoming, but obviously if the ventilator is being split between patients, controlling pressure carefully (and controlling secondary infections) becomes more of an issue. 3) Is the patient being monitored and treated for complicating conditions such as cytokine storm or sepsis? Are there clear clinical guidelines for these treatments? Do the staff have time to order the appropriate laboratory tests and keep up with the findings? Are the medications in good supply? Bottom line is this: as long as there is no cure, prevention is essential - both to avoid overstressing the health care system and to give the patients who do require it their best chance. A metric like "I haven't heard of ventilators being unavailable" simply doesn't begin to capture the effects of health care system overload.
  3. so petey on the right was adopted out to our cousin up in kenmore. my son named the dog and now our cousin has decided to rename the dog...Augie. I'm a little pissed about that. This is our old girl Bella. The rescue was playing with her and she tore her ccl. Crate bound for the next 10 days and limited activiy for the next two months after that.
  4. i thought it was strange they didn't make a move on frank jr. they are smart enough to know they need to protect their girl.
  5. yea, i guess i should say they should change the rules on it cause i'd rather see some successful teams on there
  6. if the chargers get cam or a rookie qb maybe i'm into it. rams ehh. gimme the chiefs
  7. The Las Vegas Raiders select Kenneth Murray, LB Oklahoma @wppete and the Jags are on the clock
  8. so virgul was correct that you were in fact blinded lol
  9. The raidahs need weapons for Derek Carr and Gruden loves the wr class. the Las Vegas Raiders with the 12th pick in the 2020 nfl draft, select Ceedee Lamb wr Oklahoma the 49ers and @Reed83HOF
  10. jon gruden makes the rules here sir. sorry didn't realize no trades.
  11. the raiders have made derek carr available for a trade
  12. if they loved yeldon why the hell did he play like 5 games last year?
  13. balt has 10 mil in cap space...16 mil in dead cap surprisingly. 93 mil next year so they have the room to make this happen. that would be one big time offense.
  14. my gf who is a nurse is thinking about heading to nyc for a travel assignment as her hospital is slow cause of no elective surgeries. if you think it's overblown the assignment is described as this/ 10k per week. free housing food, flights to and from the city from wherever. 15-1 patient ration which is insane as normal is 6 and lower if you have sicker patients. no days off on assignment you work 3 weeks straight then 2 days off all 12 hour days. it's warzone triage where you tag everyone on whether or not they are treatable.
  15. bb is smart enough that he can run a ball control offense just running it and a little bit of throwing. esp if they get an athletic qb in the draft and use scrambling or something. not saying they will be more than a 5-6-7 win team but probably wont be the worst.
  16. if they trade gilmore and edelman maybe. they are still just a little too good
  17. if it does start late they will just finish late. they're not giving up on that much money.
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