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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. you'd think it might be safer for him to be on the team with all the testing he'd be having done. you have a decent chance of getting it just being out in public but you're not tested daily so you don't know if you have it for at least a period of time if ever. if he's on the team he'd be getting tested and would know fairly quickly and might actually stop him from spreading it to his family. i do admire the guy's commitment to his family and his boys.
  2. the league will need years to figure out how to run as a separate league like the cfl does. they need to find a way to keep talent or at least have some kind of pipeline.
  3. we got tested back in may after an exposure to my gf at her hospital. Found out we had anti bodies so we had it previously.
  4. Each team is going to have to get the whole team in it’s own bubble meaning no going to see family. Hotel, training facility, to and from games a bubble. Allen gets a respirator and in a clean room all year.
  5. Tre floor price is around 22 mil I’d say right now
  6. i have my mind made up about what? cause my post was literally about it not being proven and i said that over and over and over. but i guess you have your mind made up
  7. why not bring it up? it's no different than gugs saying nearly all people who are asymptomatic spread the disease right? but you haven't called him out on that have you? because they have found asymptomatic people aren't spreading that doesn't mean it doesn;t exist, or you dont have to wear a mask or anything.
  8. https://health.ucdavis.edu/coronavirus/resources/covid-19-faqs-for-health-professionals.html#:~:text=asymptomatic transmission may occur and,than individuals with symptoms. less likely, limited spread. i nowhere stated in any way that it was fact.
  9. pats are really going for that tank. man, i didn't expect this many guys to opt out. just delay the season a month now and move that opt out date back
  10. the WHO. go look it up. Again, I'd like to be very clear it isn't proven but there is some thought behind it.
  11. it's something they have found but not proven. the idea is that only certain people are spreaders but that they are super spreaders. you'll find 9 out of 10 people don't spread it but that one person spreads it like wild fire. but like i said nothing proven but lets hope that turns out to be the case.
  12. no phillies player has tested pos so far so that is some good news and it would be interesting to see if lends to the theory that perhaps asymptomatic people aren't spreaders? that would be very good news.
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