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Everything posted by aristocrat

  1. Good to see an afc team get weaker let’s hope that he goes to the nfc
  2. what’s the problem? You don’t see how Millions and millions of people out in close spaces could cause an outbreak weeks after the protests stated? Again. I absolutely agreed with why they protested: also it’s not like I made this up dr fauci said that the protests could cause more cases. So I’m just listening to what he warned us against.
  3. the protests are the cause of the summer outbreak. States were open and doing just fine pre protest. They started end of may and mid June you see the big spike. To be very clear I support what they protested for but sadly there have been some very bad consequences.
  4. well how many deaths could have been saved from nursing home deaths? Also, what happened at the end of may and was that the cause of the sudden spike that started mid to late June?
  5. You’re continuing to spread an idea that she is a token ceo and just sits at a desk. I’m honestly speechless.
  6. Don’t be so misogynistic. Jesus Christ man that ***** is completely uncalled for in this day and time
  7. They tried to get a Bowl a game a few years ago and had an agreement in place but the NCAA stopped it.
  8. barstool has huge partners with the chernin group and Penn national gaming. With the NFL getting into gambling their could be partnerships there but Goodell would never allow this cause he despises Portnoy. Portnoy is a freaking genius marketer and just hilarious as well. Would bring some entertainment and they certainly have the money to do it. Davey Day Trading Global Stadium at Penn National field.
  9. Yea your friends just started drinking and don’t have their legs.
  10. It’s crazy how we look back in history and see how violent people were. Look up what a blood eagle is and can you imagine being killed in that way
  11. if we don't sign him and he gets big money elsewhere we get that ever important comp pick. milano i kind of go back and forth on. he has those moments where he just hits the hole and stuffs some rb and then he has some bonehead moments. if we lose him i trust beane can get a solid replacement. you can't pay everyone
  12. it's funny usually these deals are next man gets the top dollar so i'm surprised we got him even outside top 5 tackle money. the funny thing is it's such a good deal he has less chance of getting cut so he should see the whole deal so taking a little less average will allow him to see more money.
  13. can you guess what knox's deal will look like in a few years? 25 mil per?
  14. I would have liked to see a w vs pats this past year. I hope they come this year. He can coach a hell of a defense but Our offense has not been up to par and I hope with the weapons beane got him that offense better back up the defense
  15. how many of those teams were playoff winning teams that year?
  16. so did Marvin Lewis for the Bengals. Here’s the thing I love Beane. I am not quite sold on mcd. Depends a lot on how our offense looks this year. Would you think mcd could coach like vrabel did in the playoffs against the pats? Run the ball 50 times and only throw 7 times? I don’t get that feeling right now
  17. Want to see him win some meaningful games
  18. New Zealand has about 5 million people with over 100k sq miles of land so pretty spread out population. Not exactly an apples to apples comparison
  19. Japan is having an outbreak currently and are at 2-3 times the new cases from back in april at the beginning. You can slow this thing down but it is just relentless.
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